
Pudsey Primrose Hill Primary School

Photo Gallery

Focus week- Northern Arts Workshop. 


This afternoon children enjoyed a workshop with Northern Arts workshop. They took part in a range of dance, drama and movement activities working on telling a story through facial expressions, movements and song. They made excellent pirates trying to collect treasure! 

Focus week - Express Yourself


The children in Year 1 have had a busy start to the focus week. They have taken part in a boom whacker workshop, where they learnt different rhythms and made music using boom whackers. Next was a dance workshop where they learnt some samba dancing. They all got their hearts racing with lots of shimmying and clapping! Finally they have done some singing and started learning the Take That song Hold Up A Light... watch this space for more to come!  


Maths- measuring capacity

Science-tree hunt

DT- cooking and nutrition- making muesli bars

Maths- balancing calculations

PSHE- Money- What are needs and wants?

Maths- measuring length and height.

Science- planting cress
