
Pudsey Primrose Hill Primary School

Class Information

Our Ethos for Learning

We offer an engaging and creative curriculum which encourages independent thinking, enquiring minds and enjoyment for learning both inside and outdoors.
Our routines and areas of provision inside and outdoors encourage children to develop their relationships with others, develop their physical skills and increase their knowledge and skills in communication and language, literacy, maths, understanding the world and creative development.  Stories and the natural world lie at the core of teaching and learning, promoting curiosity, deepening understanding and supporting the growth of knowledge.
We have links with the local community and enjoy taking the children out and about in small groups to support their understanding of the world.

We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum; the long term plans detail our themes for learning.  We encourage children to share their ideas for learning and to talk about their interests.  This informs our planning and ensures the children engage well in their learning.

Home Reading and Writing

At Primrose Hill we believe that a quality English curriculum should develop children’s love of reading, writing and oracy.  A key priority is nurturing a love for reading for all children.  We share stories throughout each day and encourage acting out events in stories through role play and small world play with toys.  'Reading' pictures, using the language of stories, talking about events in stories and developing an awareness of letters and words all support the development of essential knowledge and skills for reading,

We recognise the importance of nurturing a culture where children are engaged and take pride in their writing.  In nursery writing begins with exploration of mark making tools and developing confidence to make marks, create drawings and art work and begin to learn how to write letters and words. Children's knowledge and experience of stories supports early writing development as stories create purposes for drawing, and words on the page support children's curiosity about letters and words.

We recognise the valuable contribution parents make to their child’s reading development. Children in nursery are able to borrow books from the lending library in the nursery entrance.  We encourage children to bring in stories from home for us to share during our drop everything and read sessions.  We also encourage the sharing of your reading time at home via your child's online journal on Tapestry.

Long Term Planning
