
Pudsey Primrose Hill Primary School

Autumn 2

What we are learning



This half term, our class reader is Skellig by David Almond. 

Year 6W's Read Aloud at Home book is Eren by Simon P Clark and Y6S's Read Aloud at Home book is Holes by Louis Sachar.

We will study some classic poetry this half term including Flanders Field and poems by W H Auden.



Most of our writing will be linked to our class reader Skellig.  We will begin by building up setting descriptions using rich descriptive vocabulary, plan and write key moments from different perspectives  and write contrasting diary entries. We will move onto analysing the features of discussion texts then we will plan and write our own discussion texts.  We will continue to focus on the cumulative re-read process to ensure children can edit their writing effectively.



This half term, Year 6 maths lessons will focus on fractions. The children will begin with simplifying fractions then move on to ordering and comparing by referring to both the numerator and the denominator. After this, children will add and subtract proper fractions and then move onto adding and subtracting mixed number fractions. Next, the children will multiply and divide fractions and finally they will find fractions of amounts, Children will be problem solving and reasoning throughout their learning to deepen their understanding. Children will continue to practise their times tables and arithmetic skills on a daily basis.



Children will recognise that living things have changed over time and that fossils provide information. They will  also recognise that living things produce offspring of the same kind. Later, they will identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in different ways and that adaptation may lead to evolution.



Children will continue with their Ancient Greeks work.  This half term they will contrast Ancient Greek homes  and daily life to Greek homes and life in the present day. The children will learn about their religious beliefs, In addition, they will consider reliability in sources of evidence, learn more about the first Olympics and evaluate the impact and legacy of the Ancient Greeks.

Evolution and Inheritance Knowledge Organiser
