
Pudsey Primrose Hill Primary School

Who’s Who

Senior Leadership Team

SLT Roles and Responsibilities

Mrs Lesley West
CEO of Owlcotes MAT

Mrs Kathryn Dickson
Headteacher and DSL

Mrs Sarah Smith
Deputy Headteacher, UKS2 Leader, Reading and Writing  Leader, DSL

Mrs Sarah Alderson
Assistant Head, Strategic Lead for EYFS, EYFS Specialist Leader of Education, Nursery Teacher

Mr Rob Winstanley
Assistant Head, Lead Practitioner for OMAT,  LKS2 Leader, Maths Leader, Specialist Leader of Education and Y4W/D class teacher

Mr Dan Kelly
Assistant Head, curriculum, KS1 Leader,  EYFS Specialist Leader of Education and Yr1C/K class teacher

Mrs Jennie Dale 



Meet the Staff

School Direct Graduate Teachers.

HLTAs and Cover Supervisors

Support Staff

School Support
