
Pudsey Primrose Hill Primary School

Spring 1

What we are Learning


This half term, our class reader is The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne. 

Year 6W's Read Aloud at Home book is When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit by Judith Kerr and Y6S's Read Aloud at Home book is Carrie's War by Nina Bowden. 



Most of our writing will be linked to our class reader, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas.  We will be writing descriptive pieces, newspaper articles and biographies.  We will continue to focus on the cumulative re-read process to ensure children can edit their writing effectively.



This half term, Year 6 maths lessons will focus on decimals, percentages and algebra, Children will be problem solving and reasoning throughout their learning to deepen their understanding. Children will continue to practise their times tables and arithmetic skills on a daily basis.



This half term, the Year 6 science topic is 'Electricity'.  Children will associate the brightness of a lamp/volume of a buzzer with voltage, compare and give reasons for the variations in how components function and use recognised symbols when representing circuits in a diagram.



Children will explore the impact of World War Two on Britain, with a specific focus on the experience of children.


Science - Electricity Knowledge Organiser

History - World War II Knowledge Organiser
