
Pudsey Primrose Hill Primary School


Focus week - The Grand Canyon was our Natural wonder of the world. We really enjoyed exploring it from space, looking at it on a range different maps, creating our own pictures focusing on the skills of line drawing, texture and tone. We each got a puzzle piece of the grand canyon and recreated our own quarter before putting them together for our final art pieces. Our art was displayed in the hall alongside our fantastic Non-Chronological reports on why you should visit the Grand Canyon for all of school to see. We have loved the learning this week!

Poetry Slam - We spent some time rehearsing our Poem 'Autumn Fires' for Poetry week. We even had 4 children from Y3W perform in assembly in front of Year 3 and 4! They were all fantastic!

PE with ACES - We have loved developing our skills of rolling, balancing and jumping this half term! We put these skills into our own sequences and discussed how momentum can help us move fluidly.

History - Cracking the Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs Code and creating our name in Hieroglyphs on a Cartouche.

Hot Seating our character 'Michael' from The Butterfly Lion in Writing.

We have enjoyed our first week in Year 3 - Self Portraits in Art and exploring Forces and Magnets in Science!
