
Pudsey Primrose Hill Primary School

Our Gallery

Year 1 were visited by Florence Nightingale as part of our History learning! We were able to share everything that we have learnt about her so far and learnt a few new facts. Did you know Florence Nightingale had a pet owl called Athena? 

We had lots of fun learning about her life and we enjoyed travelling back in time to the Crimean War as nurses and porters to help Florence clean the hospitals and help to make the injured patients better again. 

Florence Nightingale Visit

Maths Place Value to 50


World Book Day 2023

Science Week! We learnt about fair testing and conducted an experiment on materials to see if they were waterproof or not.

Engineering Workshop! We were lucky enough to watch a webinar about building bridges for Science Week!

Maths - length - learning top use a ruler!
