
Pudsey Primrose Hill Primary School

Class Information

Home Reading

At Primrose Hill we believe that a quality English curriculum should develop children’s love of reading, writing and oracy.  A key priority is teaching children to read, enabling them to both read for pleasure but also learn, understand and unlock the world around them through comprehension.   We recognise the importance of nurturing a culture where children are engaged and take pride in their writing, can write clearly and accurately and use vocabulary and ideas from reading to enhance their writing.   We recognise the valuable contribution parents make to their child’s reading development. Children at Primrose Hill will bring home individual reading books which will be changed in a regular age appropriate way as well as a read aloud at home text.  The read aloud at home texts are intended to be shared with your child (either read to your child or with them) to develop their love of reading.



All teachers at Primrose Hill highly value the positive contribution that parents make and the support they provide for their child’s education.  We are keen to ensure that weekly homework is focussed on developing key skills, knowledge and understanding in Reading, Writing and Maths. School has invested heavily in many online learning platforms which you will be familiar with and we are keen to utilise these to support children in their development of key skills. We also acknowledge the importance of children being able to complete their homework independently and recognise that time limitations are a factor for many of our families when completing homework. Children will be set age appropriate online learning tasks weekly by their teacher. If children are unable to complete these at home, provision will be made for them to be completed in school. A half termly Learning Log task will be sent home at the end of each half term which provides the opportunity for children to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of their topic in a creative way.  



PE kit - Children should wear appropriate shorts and t-shirt for PE. In the colder weather children should wear tracksuit bottoms and a jumper/hoodie as lessons can take place outside weather permitting. Appropriate footwear should be worn at all times; pumps for indoor PE and trainers for outdoor PE.


Some of our PE sessions are taught by Leeds Rhino representatives and Aces. These are professional companies who support teachers and children in learning and developing specific skills.
