
Pudsey Primrose Hill Primary School

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We began our new science topic today. We are starting to look at the human body and our senses. We drew around a member of our team and then together read the labels and put them into the correct places on the body.

We looked at our artist of the month this afternoon. Ranjit Bhamra, who is a mouth artist! We used our pencils to have a go at this new skill and realised how tricky it is to be an artist without the use of your hands!

We enjoyed a story time with Santa this morning! We danced and sang to some Christmas songs and then listened to 'twas the night before Christmas' which is the story we have been looking at for our writing.

Still image for this video

We have been working on our fine motor skills during our new maths learning. We looked at 3D shapes and have been using midget gems and cocktail sticks to try and recreate some! Look at what we have created.

We have been working hard during our computing sessions. We are now confident with logging on and off and accessing the internet. Today we worked on our mouse skills by completing some Christmas games which included dragging and dropping items to create designs.

What a lovely morning we have had! We followed our maps to help find our way to the church and our way back to school. We looked for human and physical features of our local area along the way. Whilst at the church, we completed a variety of activities all linked to the Christmas story!

We have been creating our sheep ready to perform our song for the Christmas film!

In geography we have looking at our local area. We have been exploring lots of different maps and we have now begun thinking about compass directions. We worked with a partner to give each other directions to see where we ended up on the map!

In our ICT sessions we have been exploring the keyboard and learning about where all of our letters are. Today we worked on writing the alphabet in both lower and upper case letters!

One of Santa's little helpers has arrived with the Santa camera in Year 1! We are looking forward to lots of Christmas fun in the coming weeks!

We have been looking at the different types of scientific enquiry this half term and today we looked at pattern seeking! We investigated if there was a pattern between the material and if it floated or sank.

We have been reading our new class reader 'the smartest giant in town' and we had a go at performing the different parts of the story! We worked fantastic in our groups and tried really hard to perform in front of our peers.

Remembrance day - we have been learning about remembrance day this week. We learnt about the importance of it and created some lovely art work using sponges to make our poppy fields.

Maths super learning day - outdoor learning. We worked in teams to collect different amount of items as quickly as we could!

In maths we have been working really hard on building our skills for completing addition and subtraction sums. We have even been furthering this through comparing addition sentences using practical resources to support us with our learning.
