We understand that there may be a number of reasons why it might be very difficult for any adult at home to support your child so we have provided a range of different learning within the weekly plans, including some online learning packages that your child is already familiar with as well as new resources that mirror some of the learning that will be happening in class that week
We have provided learning that mirrors the learning that is happening in class as much as possible. Please see the attached links.
If you have any queries or questions, please use the year group email address previously provided
W/B 4.1.21
Maths - Decimals
Children will recap decimals to 2 decimal places and thousandths. They will then multiply and divide decimals by 10, 100 and 1000.
WB 4.1.2021
Please follow the following link to the Oak National Academy. It is a link to a block of narrative work looking at Blitz Survivor stories which link to our World War 2 topic.
In this unit you will consider historical context, read a recount and retrieve and make inferences about characters and consider author's perspective and themes in the book. You will also read a new text and consider author's use of language Please complete all 5 lessons.
This unit of work will focus on diary writing based on The Windrush.
You will find out a bit about the historical context, analyse the features of a diary entry, plan and write the opening and main body to a diary entry.
Please complete lessons 1-10 some of these lessons are spelling ones.
These lessons will investigate various suffixes including plurals.
Science- Electricity
Later on in the half term we will be starting our new Science topic. These lessons will let you find out more about static electricity and what the basic components in an electrical circuit are. Please complete lesson 1 and lesson 2.
W.B. 14.12.20
Maths - This week's maths is based around winter themed activities and consolidates some of the Year 6 learning to date.
WB 14.12.2020
Please follow the following link to the Oak National Academy. It is a link to a block of narrative work looking at Goodnight Mr Tom by Michelle Majorian.
In this unit you will find out historical context, make inferences about characters and consider character's perspective and themes in the book. Please complete all 5 lessons.
This unit of work will focus on journalistic writing writing based on Spiderman.
You will analyse the features of a newspaper report, explore word class, gather evidence for a report, write the opening paragraph and make a plan.
Please complete the first 8 lessons.
This will recap the letter strings -ough, -ear, -ou, -au and -ice and the different sounds made by each letter string. There is a spelling practice strategy, and the 10 spelling words set in the previous lesson will be revisited and tested.
This week in school we have started our new Evolution topic. These lessons will help you understand more about the impact humans have had on plants and animals over time and which organisms lived during each era of time.
Please complete lessons 4-6
W.B. 7.12.20
WB 7.12.2020
Please follow the following link to the Oak National Academy. It is a link to a block of narrative work looking at Levi Pinfold's Greenling.
This unit of work will let you analyse text, character and themes. Complete all 5 lessons
Reading For Pleasure
In this lesson, you will develop reading for pleasure through book recommendations.You will focus on poetry, picture books and non-fiction. Pupils will then generate their own recommendations to share with others.
This unit of work will focus on narrative writing based on The Rabbit Proof Fence.
You will generate vocabulary linked to the film, explore apostrophes and investigate word endings.
Please complete the first 5 lessons.
These lessons will help you practise a range of word endings .
This week in school we have started our new Evolution topic. These lessons will help you understand more about fossils, different animal kingdoms and The Theory Of Evolution.
Please complete lessons 1-3
W.B, 30.11.20
WB 30.11.2020
Please follow the following link to the Oak National Academy. It is a link to a block of narrative work.
You will identify key characters and events in a plot, explore expanded noun phrases, generate vocabulary to describe a character and analyse an opening scene.
Please complete lessons 1-7 of this block.
London Is The Place For Me by Lord Kitchner
In this unit the children will form an initial impression of a song, consider the author's purpose and intended audience and explore the use of language and word meaning. These lessons will also allow you to consider perspective and compare two songs.
Please complete all 5 lessons.
This lesson will allow you to revise and plan prepositional phrases to use in your writing unit
This lesson will allow you to explore the function of fronted adverbials linked to the writing unit.
These lessons will help you practise and apply your knowledge of suffixes.
This week in school we have re-launched our Eco Club. These lessons will help you understand more about sustainability and why recycling is important.
Please complete lessons 1-3
These lessons allow you to recap our learning about Sikhism .https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/sikhism-e88f
WB 23.11.2020
Please follow the following link to the Oak National Academy. It is a link to a block of narrative work that links very closely to the work we are currently doing in class. It focusses on writing the opening and main body of a persuasive text and it will allow you to practise and apply your knowledge of suffixes..
This is a block of 30 lessons. Please do lessons 24- 30 this week
These lessons focus on A Career In Computer Games by Anthony Horrowitz. You will engage with the text, consider use of language, make inferences and predictions. Please complete all
5 lessons.
These lessons will allow you to explore prepositions and modal verbs.
These lessons will help you learn more about the suffix - ial https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/suffixes-ial-747c
In this lesson, we will review why the Ancient Greeks were so influential, analyzing their great achievements and how these are influential to this day.
In this lesson, you will be writing about the Ancient Greeks. You will write about their greatest achievements and how these have an impact to the present day. This lessons will give you a chance to apply everything that you have learnt in this unit!
These lessons allow you to recap our learning about Sikhism including the 5 K's, the ten gurus, how and where Sikhs worship and what they believe.
WB 16.11.2020
Please follow the following link to the Oak National Academy. It is a link to a block of narrative work that links very closely to the work we are currently doing in class. It focusses on writing narratives, the features of persuasive texts (letters) and it develops our understanding of punctuating speech.
This is a block of 30 lessons. Please do lessons 14- 23 this week
These lessons will help you recap different tenses and revise the use of apostrophes.
These lessons will help you learn more about the fer letter string.
In this lesson you will learn more about Alexander the Great who conquered much of the known world.
This lesson will help you understand the legacy the Ancient Greeks left behind to our modern world.
These lessons will revise our circulatory system and the effects that diet, nicotine, alcohol and exercise have on our bodies.
WB 9.11.2020
Please follow the following link to the Oak National Academy. It is a link to a block of narrative work that links very closely to the work we are currently doing in class. It focusses on developing descriptive vocabulary, investigates homophones and develops compound and complex sentences. Children will learn to analyse key features, gather information for a report and develop of rich understanding of vocab.
This is a block of 30 lessons. Please do lessons 7- 13 this week
This link will allow you to review your knowledge of different types of sentences, explore prepositions and consolidate modal verbs.
These lessons will help you learn more about the ei or ie rule.
We are having a Science focus week this week in school. Our learning is based on your Year 5 Space topic which you missed last year. Use these lessons to help you find out more about the solar system, the planets, star constellations and what astronomers do.
W.B. 9.11.20
Please follow the following link to the Oak National Academy. It is a link to a block of narrative work that links very closely to the work we are currently doing in class. It focusses on developing descriptive vocabulary, investigates homophones and develops compound and complex sentences. Children will learn to analyse key features, gather information for a report and develop of rich understanding of vocab.
This is a block of 30 lessons. Please do lessons 1- 6 this week
This link will allow you to review your knowledge of homophones.
The following lesson will enable you to recap speech punctuation.
These lessons will help you learn more about the suffixes er est and allow you to test your knowledge of the rules.
In this lesson you can explore the religious beliefs of the Ancient Greeks
Please follow the following link to the Oak National Academy. It is a link to a block of work that links very closely to the work we are currently doing in class. It focusses on non-chronological reports. Children will learn to analyse key features, gather information for a report and develop of rich understanding of vocab.
This is a block of 15 lessons. Please do lessons 10-15 this week
These lessons will allow you to reflect on what reading for pleasure means and you will be able to reflect on your own personal reading journey.
Use the link below to access three consolidation lessons about tense.
These activities will let you investigate , practise and explore your knowledge of suffixes. Try both lessons.
History- Ancient Greece
This week in school we are thinking about philosophical questions . This lesson will help you learn more about Ancient Greek philosophers whose thinking remains influential today.
Please follow the following link to the Oak National Academy. It is a link to a block of work that links very closely to the work we are currently doing in class. It focusses on non-chronological reports. Children will learn to analyse key features, gather information for a report and develop of rich understanding of vocab.
This is a block of 15 lessons. Please do lessons 5-10 this week
Use the link below to access Lesson 4 and 5
These lessons will let you consolidate knowledge of apostrophes.
These activities will let you investigate,explore and practise suffixes ible/able
WB 19.10.20
Please visit the link below. Here you will find 5 maths lesson videos. Aim to do one a day. There are questions built into the videos and it may need to be intermittently paused in order to give your child time to complete the questions.
In addition to this, please see below for the worksheets that accompany the video lessons accessed via the above link. If you have printing capabilities, please feel free to use them. If not, then use them as a prompt for work on plain paper or just as a discussion tool.
Please ensure the Learning Challenge on the sheets you use, matches the Learning Challenge in the videos you are watching.
Ancient Greeks
In this lesson, you will learn about how Ancient Greece was organised into different city states, each of them with their own set of rules and customs.
Other Learning:
As well as the sessions above, please take time to access the other learning opportunities we have provided for you.
Here you have access to a number of texts with comprehension questions. Aim to do 3 lessons per week.
This is a great service which allows children to practice their Key instant Recall Facts as well as accessing further maths content linked to their recent learning, set by their teacher.
Please also use the Knowledge Organiser as a platform for discussion around the learning that is taking place in school with regards to your child's current topic