
Pudsey Primrose Hill Primary School


Times Table Rock Stars Super Learning Day 


To help us launch our new learning of the times tables we took part in the whole school Rock Star Super Learning Day!


We learned lots of new number facts and developed strategies for recalling these important pieces of number fact knowledge.


We also found time to work together on a number of collaborative problem solving activities. 


We got to dress up and and have a wonderful day. Even Mr Winstanley found some of his old rock and roll gear!

Pictures from the day

The Angel Gabriel

This is the song we are learning for our Christmas performance.
If you could spend a few minutes trying to learn the lyrics off by heart so that you are able to song loudly and proudly!

A Bus Tour Of Leeds

The children in Year 2 got the chance to go on a bus tour of Leeds this week. This helped us to round off our work on comparing Leeds with Tokyo and gave us the chance to see, first hand, what a city such a Leeds has to offer.

As part of the trip, we discussed:

  • The physical and human features
  • How cities are used for business and leisure
  • How different areas of the city offer different things to the people that live and work there
  • Some of the most important and interesting buildings in Leeds including Bridgewater Place, Elland Road, The Town Hall, The LGI and the Universities Parkinson Building.

