
Pudsey Primrose Hill Primary School

Home Learning

We understand that there may be a number of reasons why it might be very difficult for any adult at home to support your child so we have provided a range of different learning within the weekly plans, including some online learning packages that your child is already familiar with as well as new resources that mirror some of the learning that will be happening in class that week


We have provided learning that mirrors the learning that is happening in class as much as possible. Please see the attached links.


If you have any queries or questions, please use the year group email address previously provided.

Remote Learning


Just a reminder that all of the remote learning tasks, which will be set daily, will be posted on Google Classroom.

Home and Remote Learning Links


Please remember to access the websites we would normally within the school week such as:

Reading Plus




As well as the above, please don't forget you can use the below link to take you to the page  which has further links to support or enhance your learning.

W/B 04/01/21


Please visit the link below. Here you will find the maths lesson videos. You will need all of the videos this week.


There are questions built into the videos and it may need to be intermittently paused in order to give your child time to complete the questions.

Maths Olympics

In Maths Olympics, we are continuing to work on and improve our multiplication and division recall skills and decimal number bonds to 1 and 10 but we have also started to learn how to add and subtract, increasingly larger numbers, mentally.  Conker Maths allows you to choose either times table facts or number bond facts you find more challenging and practise them either at your own pace or against the clock.


This week we are writing a paragraph using different techniques to create suspense based on our new Class Reader titled Coraline.

Below are some links from Oak Academy which cover similar objectives to those we will cover in class but with a focus on the BFG by Road Dahl.

In this lesson, we will generate precise vocabulary to use in your writing.

In the below lessons, we will explore some additional aspects of suspense writing.



This week, we are continuing to practise some of the Year 5 curriculum words.

Here is a lesson which demonstrates some strategies for how to learn words.

The words we are focussing on this week are:

shoulders, stomach, muscle, curiosity.



Adverbs of probability are used to show how sure we are about a situation or event. The most common adverbials of probability are:
definitely, certainly, clearly, obviously, possibly, perhaps, probably, maybe.

The below presentation explains this further and then there is a little activity to complete.


Reading Plus

Here you have access to a number of texts with comprehension questions.

Aim to do 3 lessons per week.


In this lesson we will learn about four ways that mixtures can be separated, including using magnets; evaporation, filtration and sieving.



In PSHE & C this half term we are going to be looking at the media and how this can influence decisions we make.

Have a look at the first 3 lessons from the Oak Academy using the links below


Follow the below link to draw a haunted house:


W/B 14/12/20



Please visit the link below. Here you will find the maths lesson videos. You will need all of the videos this week.


There are questions built into the videos and it may need to be intermittently paused in order to give your child time to complete the questions.

Maths Olympics

In Maths Olympics, we are continuing to work on and improve our multiplication and division recall skills but we have also started to learn decimal number bonds to 1 and 10.  Conker Maths allows you to choose either times table facts or number bond facts you find more challenging and practise them either at your own pace or against the clock.


This week we are composing a procedural text about how to make a Calendar.

Use the below links to recap on the features and then the presentation (under Design Technology - Making Calendars) to help guide you through your writing.



In this lesson, we will investigate plural suffixes and adding the s and es suffixes to nouns. Then look at the application of spelling rules for plural suffixes, use several spelling strategies, and take a spelling test.


Reading Plus

Here you have access to a number of texts with comprehension questions.

Aim to do 3 lessons per week.

Design Technology - Making Calendars


This week will will also be making calendars. The below resource provides you with instructions of how you can make these along with some images of what the calendars could look like. We are going to incorporate the skills we learnt when making Mayan Headdresses. Try making spirals, feathers, springs and pop up features, to decorate the calendar.

W/B 07/12/20



Please visit the link below. Here you will find the maths lesson videos. You will need the first 4 videos this week.


There are questions built into the videos and it may need to be intermittently paused in order to give your child time to complete the questions.

Maths Olympics

In Maths Olympics, we are continuing to work on and improve our multiplication and division recall skills but we have also started to learn decimal number bonds to 1 and 10.  Conker Maths allows you to choose either times table facts or number bond facts you find more challenging and practise them either at your own pace or against the clock.



In English this week, we are using the book The 12 Days of Christmas. We will be using the images form the text to support/infer most of our ideas this week . Here is a SNB with the book on as well as the first activity which is to complete a sense map for one of the 2 main characters, either the boy or girl.

We are going to be using this as a stimulus for writing a diary from either the girls or boys perspective.

Below are some links from Oak Academy which cover similar objectives to those we will cover in class.



In spellings, this week we are learning about hyphens. Have a look at the video link below and then have a go at practising some of the spellings using the table below.


Once you have found some of the correct spellings for the words try to use them in sentences which make sense using the words in the correct context.




In Reading this week, we are looking at Danny the Champion of the World. We will be using chapter 15 and 16 of the book which you will be bale to find on the link below.

We are going to be focusing on summarising sections of the book. When we summarise texts we focus on 5 elements. See the image below for guidance.

We are going to be summarising Chapter 15 from 2:39:00-2:41;46  on the video book or the bottom page of 146- the top of page 149. We will also be looking at summarising all of chapter 16.



Using the below resources, explore the properties of different materials. 

WB 30/11/20



Please visit the link below. Here you will find the maths lesson videos. You will need the Multiplying by 100 and Multiplying by 10, 100 and 1,000 videos this week.


There are questions built into the videos and it may need to be intermittently paused in order to give your child time to complete the questions.


For the remaining lessons we will be completing some end of term assessments. You will find some assessments to complete, in the supporting documents section below.


Maths Olympics

In Maths Olympics, we are continuing to work on and improve our multiplication and division recall skills but we have also started to learn decimal number bonds to 1 and 10.  Conker Maths allows you to choose either times table facts or number bond facts you find more challenging and practise them either at your own pace or against the clock.

English and Reading

In Literacy this week, we are continuing to focus on Poetry. The below links from Oak Academy cover similar aspects as we are in class.

The below lesson introduces new vocabulary, identifies word pairs and synonyms and applies the vocabulary in sentences.

In this lesson, we will read and respond to three of John Lyons' poems from his collection 'Dancing in the Rain', including discussing structure, language and meaning.

The below lesson explains how to perform a poem based on a poem's tone and meaning. We will warm up our voices, faces and bodies in preparation for our performance.  

In this lesson, we recap the tone and theme of John Lyons' poems 'Carib Nightfall' and 'Dancing in the Rain'. We will then create word maps of vocabulary to use in our own poems about nature and weather.  

In this lesson we will write our own free verse poems about nature and weather.


In this lesson, we will reflect on what reading for pleasure means. We will spend time thinking about different important texts to us and create a 'Reading River' to show our own personal journeys in Reading.

In this lesson, we explore how reading builds empathy. We will share recommended reads and explore character traits in order to describe a favourite character.

Reading Plus

Here you have access to a number of texts with comprehension questions.

Aim to do 3 lessons per week.


In this lesson, we will investigate unstressed vowel sounds in polysyllabic words and notice some of the patterns within these words.

In this lesson, we will apply our knowledge of unstressed vowels in polysyllabic words to further practise spellings, use a spelling strategy for the words in the spelling list from last spelling lesson, and take a test at the end of the lesson.



When writing poetry, it is important to include verbs in a consistent tense and precise adjectives.

See the below links to explore these concepts.


Why not try some fun experiments?

Please choose one of the below links for resources, instructions, videos and an explanation of why it works (which of course it will!).


PSHE and C

Children will be looking at some common road signs and will learn how to keep safe whilst out on a bike. Children will become familiar with the car seat law and create a fact sheet on what they have learnt.

WB 23/11/2020

Literacy and Reading

In Literacy this week we are focusing on Poetry. We will be using Night Mail by WH Auden.

You can listen to this poem through the following link:

We will be looking at the vocabulary choices within this and the rhyming in the poem before creating our own stanza for the poem.


Below are some links from Oak Academy which cover similar aspects as we are in class.



In spelling we are looking at the use of apostrophes. Here is a link to the Oak Academy.



In grammar we will be looking at the vocabulary used within the poem. Below are some of the activities we will be using.


Please visit the link below. Here you will find the maths lesson videos. You will need the first 4 videos this week.


There are questions built into the videos and it may need to be intermittently paused in order to give your child time to complete the questions.

Maths Olympics

In Maths Olympics, we are continuing to work on and improve our multiplication and division recall skills but we have also started to learn decimal number bonds to 1 and 10.  Conker Maths allows you to choose either times table facts or number bond facts you find more challenging and practise them either at your own pace or against the clock.


Thinking like an Eco Warrior.

Last Week, Mr Kelly invited children to put their names forward to be a member of the Eco Club.

In the below 3 lessons, we learn about raw and synthetic materials. These will then lead to two Eco friendly lessons.


In the below lesson we will learn about recycling and the importance of not always using raw materials.

In the final lesson we will learn about sustainability and look at different examples of good ways to live a sustainable lifestyle.


In class, we have been learning about the Mayan civilisation.

Now take your time to explore their settlements.


In your Home Book, write or draw what you liked about the settlements. Remember to include anything you found interesting.  You can pause the video and draw at any point.

Art Project - Fredrick Catherwood


L.C To replicate one of Catherwood's famous works of Art.


Have a look at the pictures of Catherwood’s work and talk about the pictures with an adult.


Did you know... Catherwood drew the main part of the drawing whilst in central America but then added to the drawing when home?


Look carefully at the sketching skills he uses. Choose one of the pictures, which you like, and try to replicate some of Catherwood’s drawings.


Once you have had a go, then recreate an entire picture. I would love you to send your finished pictures to me so I can add them to the Gallery on our class page.

WB 16.11.2020


Please visit the link below. Here you will find the maths lesson videos. You will need all 5 of the videos this week.


There are questions built into the videos and it may need to be intermittently paused in order to give your child time to complete the questions.

Maths Olympics

In Maths Olympics, we are continuing to work on and improve our multiplication and division recall skills but we have also started to learn decimal number bonds to 1 and 0.  Conker Maths allows you to choose either times table facts or number bond facts you find more challenging and practise them either at your own pace or against the clock.


In this lesson, we will start by investigating two types of pronouns: possessive pronouns and personal pronouns. Then we will sort the words into the relevant categories. After the warm-up activity, we will look at what determiners are in general. Next, we will break it down into the types of determiners and give examples for each. In the independent task, we will be asking the children to identify the determiners within a paragraph and insert the appropriate determiners in sentences.


This week in spellings we will practise the rules associated with adding suffixes to make plurals. We will learn how to practise using the 'best bet' strategy and will test the words previously set to learn.

History - Ancient Mayan Civilisation

In class, we are learning about the Mayan civilisation. The below presentation shares information about the headdresses. Try and design your own. 

WB 09.11.20


Please visit the link below. Here you will find the maths lesson videos. You will need to use Read and interpret tables, Two-way tables and Timetables.


There are questions built into the videos and it may need to be intermittently paused in order to give your child time to complete the questions.


Times table practise

In Maths Olympics, we are continuing to work on and improve our recall skills. This website allows you to choose the times table facts you find more challenging and practise them either at your own pace or against the clock.

Science/Writing - The Water Cycle


We are also learning about the Water Cycle this week.

Below is a link to a video which talks about the Water Cycle.

This particular information starts at 3min 49 secs but you can of watch the section before this as it is very interesting.

We are drawing/labelling a diagram of the water cycle and then our final outcome will be to write an explanation of the Water Cycle.

The below link explains how we are going to practise using subordinating conjunctions and relative clauses in our explanations.

WB 02.11.20


Please visit the links below. Here you will find the maths lesson videos. You will need to use Introducing Line Graphs, Read and Interpret Line Graphs and Draw Line Graphs from the first link.

From the second link you will only need Use line graphs to solve problems.

Aim to do one a day. There are questions built into the videos and it may need to be intermittently paused in order to give your child time to complete the questions.

On the final day you can apply your knowledge by completing the challenge cards found below.

Times table practise

In Maths Olympics, we are continuing to work on and improve our recall skills. This website allows you to choose the times table facts you find more challenging and practise them either at your own pace or against the clock.


This week we are continuing to write newspaper reports focused on finding a Mayan artefact (a stela) on the school field. 

Maya stelae (singular stelaare monuments that were fashioned by the Maya civilization of ancient Mesoamerica. They consist of tall, sculpted stone shafts and are often associated with low circular stones referred to as altars, although their actual function is uncertain.


Below are some web links to Oak National Academy to lessons which although they are based on Spiderman they support the key objectives we are covering in class.

The first three links have been used in previous Home Learning weeks although may be helpful for a recap.



In this lesson, we will explore word class.

We will focus on identifying nouns, adjectives, adverbs and verbs in sentences. We then explore what prepositions are and identify these in sentences.


This week in spellings we are continuing to practise some of the Year 5 curriculum words.

Here is a lesson which demonstrates some strategies for how to learn words.

The words we learn in Year 5:

definite, interfere, physical, rhythm, rhyme, symbol, system, yacht, prejudice, sacrifice, recognise, privilege, twelfth, environment, government, shoulders, stomach, vehicle, available, muscle, competition, convenience, existence, critic, criticise, recognise, determined, equip, equipped, equipment, dictionary, sincere, sincerely, achieve, mischievous, cemetery, ancient, available, average, bargain, bruise, category, curiosity, develop, disastrous, explanation, familiar, foreign, forty, frequently, identity, individual, leisure, lightning, neighbour, persuade, queue, soldier, thorough, twelfth, variety, vegetable.


In reading we are focusing on a non-fiction text this week and are looking at Mayan Games.

Please use the below links to see the text and questions.

Reading Plus

Here you have access to a number of texts with comprehension questions.

Aim to do 3 lessons per week.

History - Ancient Mayan Civilisation

In class, we are learning about the Mayan number system. The below Powerpoint and activity will help you understand their system for counting.

WB 19.10.20


This week in English we are focusing heavily on 'Talking Points' as this a focus throughout school. As part of this, we will be exploring many different channels. We are going to be using our class reader 'Danny the Champion of the World as a stimulus for some of our discussion, such as: 

  • the moment when Danny drove his Dad's car in chapter 7
  • the positives and negatives of poaching and then using this as a stimulus for writing 2 paragraphs reflecting both perspectives
  • the pros and cons for living in a caravan

This link should help with the second bullet point

We are also going to be using a video 'The Black Hole' as a stimulus towards the end of the week. From this children may consider how they could use 'The Black Hole' to their advantage. 


In reading we are focusing on a non-fiction text this week and are looking at Mayan Writing.



This week in spellings we are continuing to practise some of the Year 5 curriculum words.

Here is a lesson which demonstrates some strategies for how to learn words.

The words we learn in Year 5:

definite, interfere, physical, rhythm, rhyme, symbol, system, yacht, prejudice, sacrifice, recognise, privilege, twelfth, environment, government, shoulders, stomach, vehicle, available, muscle, competition, convenience, existence, critic, criticise, recognise, determined, equip, equipped, equipment, dictionary, sincere, sincerely, achieve, mischievous, cemetery, ancient, available, average, bargain, bruise, category, curiosity, develop, disastrous, explanation, familiar, foreign, forty, frequently, identity, individual, leisure, lightning, neighbour, persuade, queue, soldier, thorough, twelfth, variety, vegetable.


Please visit the links below. Here you will find 3 maths lesson videos focussing on next week’s objectives. The first link shows a video titled Multi-step addition and subtraction problems and the second link has videos titled Interpret charts and Comparison sum and difference. There are questions built into the videos and it may need to be intermittently paused in order to give your child time to complete the questions.

Supporting Maths Resources

Times table practise

In Maths Olympics, we are continuing to work on and improve our recall skills. This website allows you to choose the times table facts you find more challenging and practise them either at your own pace or against the clock.

History - Ancient Mayan Civilisation

In class, we are learning about the Mayan civilisation. The below Powerpoint and video will help you learn about daily life in Mayan times including a game they like to play.


WB 12.10.20


This week we are looking at writing a newspaper report on the discovery of the pits in Chapter 8 of Danny and the Champion of the World. This is an audio version of the book which can be used to support this.


Below are some web links to Oak National Academy to lessons which although they are based on Spiderman they support the key objectives we are covering in class.



This week in spellings we are continuing with some of the learning about homophones and then beginning to practise some of the Year 5 curriculum words.

Here is a lesson which demonstrates some strategies for how to learn words.

The words we learn in Year 5:

definite, interfere, physical, rhythm, rhyme, symbol, system, yacht, prejudice, sacrifice, recognise, privilege, twelfth, environment, government, shoulders, stomach, vehicle, available, muscle, competition, convenience, existence, critic, criticise, recognise, determined, equip, equipped, equipment, dictionary, sincere, sincerely, achieve, mischievous, cemetery, ancient, available, average, bargain, bruise, category, curiosity, develop, disastrous, explanation, familiar, foreign, forty, frequently, identity, individual, leisure, lightning, neighbour, persuade, queue, soldier, thorough, twelfth, variety, vegetable.


Please visit the link below. Here you will find 4 maths lesson videos. Aim to do one a day. There are questions built into the videos and it may need to be intermittently paused in order to give your child time to complete the questions.

Supporting Maths Resources

Times table practise

In Maths Olympics, we are continuing to work on and improve our recall skills. This website allows you to choose the times table facts you find more challenging and practise them either at your own pace or against the clock.

History - Ancient Mayan Civilisation

In class, we are learning about the Mayan civilisation. The below activity and slides will help you explain religious beliefs of  Maya people, understand how they worshipped, name some of the main gods and know what they represented to the people.

WB 05.10.20


Please visit the link below. Here you will find 5 maths lesson videos. Aim to do one a day. There are questions built into the videos and it may need to be intermittently paused in order to give your child time to complete the questions.


This week were are looking at relative clauses. Have a look at the following resources.



Please use the link below to access lessons which will allow you to investigate homophones in detail, learn what homophones are, and explore the meaning of words in depth, spotting spelling rules.

Reading Plus

Here you have access to a number of texts with comprehension questions.

Aim to do 3 lessons per week

History - Ancient Mayan Civilisation

In class, we are learning about the Mayan civilisation. The below activity and slides will help you find out about the city states of the Maya and how society was organised.

WB 28.9.20


Please visit the link below. Here you will find maths lesson videos. Aim to do one a day. There are questions built into the videos and it may need to be intermittently paused in order to give your child time to complete the questions.


This week were are looking at using brackets for parenthesis. Have a look at the following resources.



Please use the link below to access lessons which will allow you to investigate the suffixes -able and -ible, spot patterns and generate spelling rules, and explore the meaning of words and word classes.

Reading Plus

Here you have access to a number of texts with comprehension questions.

Aim to do 2 lessons per week

History - Ancient Mayan Civilisation

In class, we are learning about the Mayan civilisation. The children have asked about the food they ate. Try to sort the below food pictures into those which you think were eaten by the Mayans and those which weren't.

WB 21.9.20


Please visit the link below. Here you will find 5 maths lesson videos. Aim to do one a day. There are questions built into the videos and it may need to be intermittently paused in order to give your child time to complete the questions.

You will need the last video on the first link and the first two videos from the second link.


Please follow the following link to the Oak National Academy.

It is a link to a block of work that links very closely to the work we are currently doing in class as part of reading which is our focus for this week as we launch our class reader.


This week were are looking at different word classes within sentences. Have a look at the following lessons.

These activities will help you consolidate some sentence level work on simple and complex sentences and relative clauses.  Please use the link below to access lesson 1-3.



Please use the link below to access  2 lessons which will allow you to investigate and practise past and present tense.




As usual weekly activities will be set for your child to complete these will be aligned to current learning taking place in the classroom.

History - Ancient Mayan Civilisation

In class, we are learning about the Mayan civilisation. In the first lesson, we are exploring who the Ancient Mayans were and where they settled. Then, children will explore how the Mayan civilisation developed over time.
