
Pudsey Primrose Hill Primary School

Home Learning

Update on home learning


Home learning will now be via Google Classrooms. If you have lost your login details please your class teacher for these details. 


If your child has finished all of the work completed or you are looking for alternative learning options please see the useful links below- 


Mathletics (Maths- three tasks will be set weekly and will mirror learning that is taking place)

Reading Eggs (English- three tasks will be set weekly and will mirror learning that is taking place. The tasks are usually reading, spelling and tricky word lesson)

Fast Phonics (which is accessed via Reading Eggs- no assignments are set by a teacher but children can complete challenges and work through the peaks at their own pace) 

Phonics Play (Phonics games- please select phase 3 or 4 sounds)

Top Marks - ( Hit the Button- Mental Maths Train- Blast Off these games will support children's common instant recall facts)

Number blocks (a programme to support key maths concepts)

Science - Maddie's Do you Know? (a programme which explore how things are made and work 

Oxford Owl's- you are able to access a wide range of e-books. 

We understand that there may be a number of reasons why it might be very difficult for any adult at home to support your child so we have provided a range of different learning within the weekly plans, including some online learning packages that your child is already familiar with as well as new resources. If you have any queries or questions, please use the year group email address previously provided.

WC: 4th January 2021




In Maths this week we are looking at comparing statements, 2D and 3D shapes. See the video links below to support and the worksheets to go alongside these lessons. 


Numberblocks episode that cover the two topics- 

3D shapes

2D shapes


Other daily practice- 

Number bonds to 10. 

Arithmetic (addition and subtraction within 10)


Lesson 1

Lesson 2. 

Lesson 3. 

Lesson 4. 



Lesson 1- We are looking at the use of questions marks for questions. Use the PPT and lesson resource to understand when we use a full stop and when to use a question mark. 

Lesson 2- Have a go at writing some questions to ask a friend or family member about their Christmas holidays. You can use the 5 W's to help start your sentence- who, what, when, where, why. For example- What did you do over the Christmas holidays? What films did you watch? Where did you go for a walk?  When did you open your presents on Christmas day? 

Lesson 3- Speaking and Listening. Have a go at reading your questions and get somebody to answer them. Remember to be a good listener and good speaker. Use the PPT to remind yourself of some top tips. 

Lesson 4- We are looking at a new suffix. The Suffix 'ed' to change verbs into the past tense. Use the PPT and lesson resource to support. 

Lesson 5- Today we are writing a recount about your Christmas holidays. A recount is to show something that happened in the past. The aim is to write sentences including past tense verbs with the suffix ed. For example opened, watched, walked, visited, played. Remember to write in full sentences and use the say it, write it check it method. Make sure to include capital letters, full stops, finger spaces and use your phonics to sound out words. See if you can challenge yourself and use 'and' to join ideas. A good example is - In the holidays I played on my Xbox and with my sister.



We will start the week finishing Phase 4 and then move onto Phase 5 sounds. Remember to practice your tricky words daily. These songs will help you - 

Phase 3 tricky words 

Phase 4 tricky words 


Lesson 1- scr, spr, str

Lesson 2- tch

Lesson 3- ay sound

Lesson 4- ea sound

Lesson 5- ie



Read the non-fiction piece of text about Winter and practice your retrieval skills. Remember you should try read the text three times 1. decode all words, 2. build fluency and understand vocabulary 3. read the text fluently with understanding. Don't forget when you answering retrieval questions it is not a memory test! you should refer back to the text to find the answer. 


We will be starting our History topic about Florence Nightingale. In our first lesson we will be looking at Modern Day hospitals. Watch this episode of Topsy and Tim where they visit a hospital.

Following on from this do some of your own research like a historian would and look at hospitals in Leeds- LGI, BRI, St James’ and local doctors surgery known to the children. Discuss what things you would see when you visit these places. Have a go at label and recording yours ideas on the resource provided. 


Some questions for discussion - What is a hospital? What happens at a hospital? Who has visited a hospital? Who works at a hospital? Why do you go to a hospital?

Other Learning:

As well as the sessions above, please take time to access the other learning opportunities we have provided for you.


Reading Eggs:

Here you have access to a number of texts which you can choose at your choice. You will also have three weekly tasks (set on a Wednesday) which supports current learning in school. Log on to see what they would like you to work on this week.



This is a great service which allows children to practice their Key instant Recall Facts as well as accessing further Maths content linked to their recent learning, set by their teacher.



Try to keep active to keep your mind and body healthy. Here are some useful links to help you do this at home:

WB 14th December 2020



In Maths this week we are looking at finding the difference and 3D shapes. See the video links below to support and the worksheets to go alongside these lessons. 


Numberblocks episode that cover the two topics- 

Finding the difference. 



Other daily practice- 

Number bonds to 10. 

Arithmetic (addition and subtraction within 10)


Lesson 1

Lesson 2. 

Lesson 3. 

Lesson 4. 

Lesson 5.



We are continuing  with the poem 'Twas the night before Christmas and preparing to create our own poem based on our senses at Christmas. The poem can be accessed here. Please use these daily lessons below: 


Lesson 1 - Watch the video here on senses.  Brainstorm ideas of things you can taste at Christmas time, try to use adjectives.  Eg. a sweet chocolate coins, crunchy candy canes.  Then pick at least three ideas and write them in a sentence, starting your sentence with: In winter I can  taste......  Remember to use your phonics knowledge, finger spaces, capital letters and full stops.

Lesson 2 -Watch the video here on senses again.  Brainstorm ideas of things you can smell at Christmas time, try to use adjectives.  Eg. a tasty Christmas dinner, sweet satsumas.  Then pick at least three ideas and write them in a sentence, starting your sentence with: In winter I can  taste......  Remember to use your phonics knowledge, finger spaces, capital letters and full stops.

Lesson 3 - From the sentences you have created about your senses, pick one from each sense - you should have 4 - 5 in total If you have just started this this week, please choose two sentences from each sense so that you have 4 in total. Then draft each sentence together to form a poem. Remember to use finger spaces, full stops, good letter formation and your phonics knowledge.

Lesson 4 - Write up your poem from yesterday onto neat paper, remember to include finger spaces, full stops, good letter formation and your phonics knowledge. You could then make a Christmas card and stick a copy of your poem inside the card.

Lesson 5 - Listen to or read the poem again.  Look at the vocabulary sheets marked 'lesson 5 vocabulary activity'.  Choose two to complete. Read through the definition and look at the picture.  Create your own sentence using the word and draw a picture to match.


In Phonics we have started to recap phase 3 sounds. Please follow these daily lessons which cover the same sounds we are in school. 

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5


Don't forget to practice your tricky words.


Other Learning:

As well as the sessions above, please take time to access the other learning opportunities we have provided for you.



We have been looking at using and making maps. BBC bitesize have a wide range of videos, quizzes and activities to support this area of learning. Clink this link.


Other ideas-

Use google earth. Can you find your house? Can your our school? What human features can you find? What physical features can you find? 

Create a map- Can you draw a map of your bedroom? or any room in your house? don't forget to include a key with symbols.


Reading Eggs:

Here you have access to a number of texts which you can choose at your choice. You will also have three weekly tasks (set on a Wednesday) which supports current learning in school. Log on to see what they would like you to work on this week.



This is a great service which allows children to practice their Key instant Recall Facts as well as accessing further Maths content linked to their recent learning, set by their teacher.



Try to keep active to keep your mind and body healthy. Here are some useful links to help you do this at home:

WB: 7th December 2020



This week in Maths we are continuing are learning on subtraction within 10. Please use these videos to support learning and the attached worksheets which are mentioned on the videos. Please note lesson 3- choose a sheet suitable for child's level. 


Lesson 1

Lesson 2 and 3

Lesson 4 and 5


Daily practice of number bonds to 10. 

Other activities- 

Addition and subtraction with the number blocks.


We are looking at the poem 'Twas the night before Christmas and preparing to create our own poem based on our senses at Christmas. Please use these daily lessons below: 


Lesson 1 - Read the poem 'Twas the night before Christmas.  There is a copy below and a link to the poem being read here.  Practise the first verse of the poem and come up with actions.  

Lesson 2- Watch the video here on senses.  Brainstorm ideas of things you can see at Christmas time, try to use adjectives.  Eg. a bushy Christmas tree, shiny paper.  Then pick three ideas and write them in a sentence, starting your sentence with: In winter I can see......  Remember to use your phonics knowledge, finger spaces, capital letters and full stops.

Lesson 3 - Watch the video here on senses again.  Brainstorm ideas of things you can hear at Christmas time, try to use adjectives.  Eg. loud bells.  Then pick three ideas and write them in a sentence, starting your sentence with: In winter I can hear......  Remember to use your phonics knowledge, finger spaces, capital letters and full stops.

Lesson 4 - Watch the video here on senses again.  Brainstorm ideas of things you can feel at Christmas time, try to use adjectives.  Eg. a spiky Christmas tree, soft snow.  Then pick three ideas and write them in a sentence, starting your sentence with: In winter I can  feel......  Remember to use your phonics knowledge, finger spaces, capital letters and full stops.

Lesson 5 - Listen to or read the poem again.  Verbally answer the comprehension questions marked 'lesson 5 comprehension questions' below.


In Phonics we have started to recap phase 3 sounds. Please follow these daily lessons which cover the same sounds we are in school. 

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5


Don't forget to practice your tricky words.


Other Learning:

As well as the sessions above, please take time to access the other learning opportunities we have provided for you.



We have been looking at using and making maps. BBC bitesize have a wide range of videos, quizzes and activities to support this area of learning. Clink this link.


Other ideas-

Use google earth. Can you find your house? Can your our school? What human features can you find? What physical features can you find? 

Create a map- Can you draw a map of your bedroom? or any room in your house? don't forget to include a key with symbols.


Reading Eggs:

Here you have access to a number of texts which you can choose at your choice. You will also have three weekly tasks (set on a Wednesday) which supports current learning in school. Log on to see what they would like you to work on this week.



This is a great service which allows children to practice their Key instant Recall Facts as well as accessing further Maths content linked to their recent learning, set by their teacher.



Try to keep active to keep your mind and body healthy. Here are some useful links to help you do this at home:

WB: 30th November 2020



This week in Maths we are finishing of the last part of addition within 10 and then moving onto subtraction. Please use these videos to support learning and the attached worksheets which are mentioned on the videos. 


Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5


Daily practice of number bonds to 10. 

Other activities- 

Addition and subtraction with the number blocks.



We are continuing The Smartest Giant in Town this week.  This story can be watched here. Please use these daily lessons below: 


Lesson 1 - Read the instructions and colour in the giant following the instructions. See document below marked 'lesson 1 instructions for giant'.

Lesson 2- Answer the questions about the story The Smartest Giant in Town.  See document below marked 'lesson 2 reading questions'.  See here a link to the story to recap what happens.

Lesson 3 - Plan a character description for George the giant.  See the document below marked 'lesson 3 character description'.  One one picture brainstorm ideas for what George looks like.  On the second picture of George brainstorm ideas what his personality is like.

Lesson 4 and 5 - Using the ideas from yesterday, write in full sentences ways to describe George.  For example: George is the tallest giant.  He is kind and helpful. Remember to start with a capital letter, a full stop at the end of your sentence, finger spaces and using your phonic knowledge to identify all the sounds in each word.


In Phonics we have started to recap phase 3 sounds. Please follow these daily lessons which cover the same sounds we are in school. 

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5


Don't forget to practice your tricky words.


Other Learning:

As well as the sessions above, please take time to access the other learning opportunities we have provided for you.



We have been looking at using and making maps. BBC bitesize have a wide range of videos, quizzes and activities to support this area of learning. Clink this link.


Other ideas-

Use google earth. Can you find your house? Can your our school? What human features can you find? What physical features can you find? 

Create a map- Can you draw a map of your bedroom? or any room in your house? don't forget to include a key with symbols.


Reading Eggs:

Here you have access to a number of texts which you can choose at your choice. You will also have three weekly tasks (set on a Wednesday) which supports current learning in school. Log on to see what they would like you to work on this week.



This is a great service which allows children to practice their Key instant Recall Facts as well as accessing further Maths content linked to their recent learning, set by their teacher.



Try to keep active to keep your mind and body healthy. Here are some useful links to help you do this at home:

Week Commencing: 23rd November 2020




This week we are continuing with addition within 10. We will be looking at comparing number bonds using the vocabulary greater than, less than and equal to and finding a missing part by counting on from the part to the whole. 


Lesson 1 and 2- Watch this video. Please note children do not need to use the symbols but must be able to use the correct vocabulary to compare. The worksheet mentioned in the video is not linked to this video. This episode of number blocks helps to reinforce the vocabulary to compare. 


Lesson 3 and 4- Find a missing part. Children must use the strategy of counting on from the part to the whole number to find the missing part. Watch this video. This episode of number blocks helps to understand the concept of finding a missing part. 


Daily - Please practice number bonds to make 10 using this game.

Number formation and writing numbers as words. This interactive resource can support. 



We are continuing The Smartest Giant in Town this week.  This story can be watched here. Please use these daily lessons below: 


Lesson 1- Watch the video about using the suffix 'est' and complete the activity sheet below.

Lesson 2 - Write sentences about the different animals from the story using the suffix 'est'. For example: The mouse is the smallest.

Lesson 3- Sequence the story.  Put the pictures from the story in the correct order.  Can you add any story language? Once upon a time, next, after that, finally.

Lesson 4 - Look at the sheet of images from the story.  Read the instructions and answer the questions.

Lesson 5 -In full sentences, write down  different ways to describe the giant using the suffix 'est'. For example: The giant is the tallest.  Try to include adjectives.  Think carefully about what sounds you can hear in each word and good letter formation. Remember to include capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.


In Phonics we have started to recap phase 3 sounds. Please follow these daily lessons which cover the same sounds we are in school. 

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5


Don't forget to practice your tricky words.


Other Learning:

As well as the sessions above, please take time to access the other learning opportunities we have provided for you.


Reading Eggs:

Here you have access to a number of texts which you can choose at your choice. You will also have three weekly tasks (set on a Wednesday) which supports current learning in school. Log on to see what they would like you to work on this week.



This is a great service which allows children to practice their Key instant Recall Facts as well as accessing further Maths content linked to their recent learning, set by their teacher.



Try to keep active to keep your mind and body healthy. Here are some useful links to help you do this at home:

WB: 16th November 2020



In Maths this week we are looking at the number bonds that make 10. Eventually, these will become common instant recall facts that children must become secure with and be able to recall at speed. 


Lesson 1: Recap working systematically by watching this video. Can you work systematically to find the number bonds that make 10. Have a go at finding the number bonds using the numicon game attached below. Then have a go at lesson 1 worksheet to help you do this. 

Lesson 2 and 3- Using different representations to find number bonds within 10.

These videos will help support their understand in different ways.


Number bonds song.

See attached worksheets. 

Lesson 4- Review of number bonds to 10 and word problems. Use this video to help. 

Have a go at some of these games to support recalling the number bonds: 

Hit the button.

Daily 10. 


This week in Literacy we are starting a new book: The Smartest Giant in Town.  This story can be watched here. Please use these daily lessons below: 


Lesson 1- Watch/read the story.  Discuss any vocabulary that your child may not be aware of.  Choose one or two of the animals and retell that part of the story with actions. Use these stem sentences to help you. 

George came to a ____

Next to the ____ he saw a ____

What’s the matter? Asked George.

It’s my ____________

I wish__________

Cheer up! Said George and he took off his____.

Thank you! said the ____.

Lesson 2 - Watch the video about rhyming.  Look at the poem at the end of the book (see below-labelled 'lesson 2 identify rhyme' and circle the rhyming words.  As a challenge, can you think of any other words that rhyme with the words you have circled?

Lesson 3- Watch the story again.  Today you are going to write a list of all of the things that the George buys.  Try to use adjectives to describe each item.

Lesson 4 - Complete the sheet below marked 'lesson 4'.  You need to read the words and match the animal to the correct item of clothing.

Lesson 5 -In full sentences, write down the different items of clothing for each animal.  For example: His tie is a scarf for a cold giraffe.  Try to include adjectives.  Think carefully about what sounds you can hear in each word and good letter formation. Remember to include capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.


In Phonics we have started to recap phase 3 sounds. Please follow these daily lessons which cover the same sounds we are in school. 

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5


Don't forget to practice your tricky words.


Other Learning:

As well as the sessions above, please take time to access the other learning opportunities we have provided for you.


Reading Eggs:

Here you have access to a number of texts which you can choose at your choice. You will also have three weekly tasks (set on a Wednesday) which supports current learning in school. Log on to see what they would like you to work on this week.



This is a great service which allows children to practice their Key instant Recall Facts as well as accessing further Maths content linked to their recent learning, set by their teacher.



Try to keep active to keep your mind and body healthy. Here are some useful links to help you do this at home:

WB 9th November 2020


In Maths this week we are continuing are learning on addition within 10.  Please follow the link below to watch the following videos:

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

There are questions built into the videos and it may need to be intermittently paused in order to give your child time to complete the questions.

To support this learning, there are  worksheets that accompany the video lessons accessed via the above link. If you have printing capabilities please feel free to use them. If not, then use them as a prompt for work on plain paper or just as a discussion tool. 


This week in Literacy we are writing simple sentences. Please use these daily lessons below: 


Lesson 1- Practise the actions and retelling the story of The three little pigs.  Have a go at the sheet marked 'lesson 1 sentences' or use this sheet to copy onto paper.  Cut out the each block and put in the correct order to make the sentences make sense.  Read it through to check and stick it down, then copy the sentence, remembering capital letters, full stops, finger spaces and letter formation. Read your sentence back to check it makes sense.

Lesson 2 and complete the literacy- plurals activity sheet below.

Lesson 3- reading comprehension - see below. 

Lesson 4 - Use the picture prompts to think of sentences to write about the story of The three little pigs.  Think carefully about what you want to say.  Remember to include capital letters, full stops, finger spaces, letter formation and think carefully about the sounds you can hear in each word.

Lesson 5 - Continue with lesson 4 and then check through each sentence to ensure you have remembered capital letters, full stops, finger spaces, letter formation and all the sounds for each word you have written. Check that the sentences make sense.


In Phonics we have started to recap phase 3 sounds. Please follow these daily lessons which cover the same sounds we are in school. 

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4


Don't forget to practice your tricky words.

Other Learning:

As well as the sessions above, please take time to access the other learning opportunities we have provided for you.


Reading Eggs:

Here you have access to a number of texts which you can choose at your choice. You will also have three weekly tasks (set on a Wednesday) which supports current learning in school. Log on to see what they would like you to work on this week.



This is a great service which allows children to practice their Key instant Recall Facts as well as accessing further Maths content linked to their recent learning, set by their teacher.



Try to keep active to keep your mind and body healthy. Here are some useful links to help you do this at home:

Science Week Activities 


This week is Science week at Primrose Hill. We will be developing our scientific enquiry skills and continuing our topic of materials. 


Here are some activities you can try at home- 

Float or sink?

Which materials are absorbent?

Classifying- Go on a materials hunt around your house. Can you sort the objects by the material they are made from? Can you sort the objects based on the property of materials. For example shiny and dull objects, hard and smooth objects.  This video may help. 

WB: 2.11.20



In Maths this week we are continuing are learning on addition within 10.  Please follow the link below to watch the following videos:

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

There are questions built into the videos and it may need to be intermittently paused in order to give your child time to complete the questions.

To support this learning, there are  worksheets that accompany the video lessons accessed via the above link. If you have printing capabilities please feel free to use them. If not, then use them as a prompt for work on plain paper or just as a discussion tool. 


This week in Literacy we are writing simple sentences with an adjective. Please use these daily lessons below: 

Lesson 1 - watch the video of our new story - The three little pigs.  Children to join in with what they know.  Retell the story and create actions for the story as you retell it. See example here for ideas.

Lesson 2 and complete the literacy- plurals activity sheet below.

Lesson 3 - make a story map of The three little pigs.  You could use the sheet marked 'story map lesson 3' or create your own. As an extra challenge,  add some story language on such as: Once upon a time, next, then, finally.

Lesson 4 - reading comprehension - see below. 

Lesson 5 - Write the beginning of the The three little pigs story, up to where the third little pig finishes building his house of bricks.  Below is a writing frame with prompts on what to include as well as a word mat to help with vocabulary.



In Phonics we have started to recap phase 3 sounds. Please follow these daily lessons which cover the same sounds we are in school. 

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Don't forget to practice your tricky words.

Other Learning:

As well as the sessions above, please take time to access the other learning opportunities we have provided for you.


Reading Eggs:

Here you have access to a number of texts which you can choose at your choice. You will also have three weekly tasks (set on a Wednesday) which supports current learning in school. Log on to see what they would like you to work on this week.



This is a great service which allows children to practice their Key instant Recall Facts as well as accessing further Maths content linked to their recent learning, set by their teacher.



Try to keep active to keep your mind and body healthy. Here are some useful links to help you do this at home:

WB: 19.10.20



In Maths this week we are learning about using part-whole models.  Please follow the link below to watch the following videos:

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

There are questions built into the videos and it may need to be intermittently paused in order to give your child time to complete the questions.

To support this learning, there are  worksheets that accompany the video lessons accessed via the above link. If you have printing capabilities please feel free to use them. If not, then use them as a prompt for work on plain paper or just as a discussion tool. 



This week our Literacy is based on our whole school focus called 'Talking Points'. The week aims to develop children's speaking, listening and deeper think skills in a philosophical way. Each day we will be looking at a different picture from Pobble 365. We will be using these as a stimulus to aid discussions based on the moral issues in this picture, to share view and opinions, dislikes/likes about the picture. The aim is for children speak clearly about their ideas, respond to others ideas and understand that not everyone shares the same view. Below each picture there are some discussion questions, story starters and sentence ideas for writing opportunities. 


Our second stimulus for the week will be this video - The Black Hole. Watch this with your children and discuss this after. Some questions that might aid discussion- Is he stealing? Was he right to have taken the chocolate? Is stealing ever right? Could it ever be used for good? What do you think he should do? 


Another discussion we will be having will be based on should we judge people by how they look? This will be using a stimulus of a monster and called A Monster at school. Please see the discussion points here.



In Phonics we have started to recap phase 3 sounds. Please follow these daily lessons which cover the same sounds we are in school. 

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Don't forget to practice your tricky words.



We are learning all about  materials in our current Science Topic.  Please see this lesson from the Oak Academy which focuses on this area of learning. Please also use the Knowledge Organiser as a platform for discussion around the learning that is taking place in school with regards to our topic on materials. 



Other Learning:

As well as the sessions above, please take time to access the other learning opportunities we have provided for you.


Reading Eggs:

Here you have access to a number of texts which you can choose at your choice. You will also have three weekly tasks (set on a Wednesday) which supports current learning in school. Log on to see what they would like you to work on this week.



This is a great service which allows children to practice their Key instant Recall Facts as well as accessing further Maths content linked to their recent learning, set by their teacher.



Try to keep active to keep your mind and body healthy. Here are some useful links to help you do this at home:

WB: 12.10.20



In Maths this week we are learning about using the language, less than, greater than and equal to.  Please follow the link below to watch the following videos:

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

There are questions built into the videos and it may need to be intermittently paused in order to give your child time to complete the questions.

To support this learning, there are  worksheets that accompany the video lessons accessed via the above link. If you have printing capabilities please feel free to use them. If not, then use them as a prompt for work on plain paper or just as a discussion tool. 




This week in Literacy we are writing simple sentences with an adjective. Please use these daily lessons below: 

Lesson 1 

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5



In Phonics we have started to recap phase 3 sounds. Please follow these daily lessons which cover the same sounds we are in school. 

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Don't forget to practice your tricky words.



We are learning all about  materials in our current Science Topic.  Please see this lesson from the Oak Academy which focuses on this area of learning. Please also use the Knowledge Organiser as a platform for discussion around the learning that is taking place in school with regards to our topic on materials. 



Other Learning:

As well as the sessions above, please take time to access the other learning opportunities we have provided for you.


Reading Eggs:

Here you have access to a number of texts which you can choose at your choice. You will also have three weekly tasks (set on a Wednesday) which supports current learning in school. Log on to see what they would like you to work on this week.



This is a great service which allows children to practice their Key instant Recall Facts as well as accessing further Maths content linked to their recent learning, set by their teacher.



Try to keep active to keep your mind and body healthy. Here are some useful links to help you do this at home:

WB: 5.10.20



In Maths this week we are learning about using the language, less than, greater than and equal to.  Please follow the link below to watch the following videos:

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

There are questions built into the videos and it may need to be intermittently paused in order to give your child time to complete the questions.

To support this learning, there are  worksheets that accompany the video lessons accessed via the above link. If you have printing capabilities please feel free to use them. If not, then use them as a prompt for work on plain paper or just as a discussion tool. 



This week in Literacy we are continuing are learning on writing labels and introducing captions and sentences with an adjective. Please use these daily lessons below: 

Lesson 1 

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5



In Phonics we have started to recap phase 3 sounds. Please follow these daily lessons which cover the same sounds we are in school. 

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Don't forget to practice your tricky words.



We are learning all about  materials in our current Science Topic.  Please see this lesson from the Oak Academy which focuses on this area of learning. Please also use the Knowledge Organiser as a platform for discussion around the learning that is taking place in school with regards to our topic on materials. 



Other Learning:

As well as the sessions above, please take time to access the other learning opportunities we have provided for you.


Reading Eggs:

Here you have access to a number of texts as well as some work around reading which will be set weekly by the teacher. Log on to see what they would like you to work on this week.



This is a great service which allows children to practice their Key instant Recall Facts as well as accessing further Maths content linked to their recent learning, set by their teacher.



Try to keep active to keep your mind and body healthy. Here are some useful links to help you do this at home:


WB: 28.9.20 



Please use the links below and follow the daily lessons.




This week in school we are starting Phase 3 sounds. Children have previously learnt these in reception but we are recapping them. Please follow these links for daily lessons. 


In Maths this week we are learning about counting.  Please follow the link below to watch the following videos:

Count one more

Count one less


One to one correspondence


There are questions built into the videos and it may need to be intermittently paused in order to give your child time to complete the questions.

To support this learning, there are  worksheets that accompany the video lessons accessed via the above link. If you have printing capabilities please feel free to use them. If not, then use them as a prompt for work on plain paper or just as a discussion tool. 


We are learning all about  materials in our current Science Topic.  Please see this lesson from the Oak Academy which focuses on this area of learning. .

Click here to access the learning. Please also use the Knowledge Organiser as a platform for discussion around the learning that is taking place in school with regards to our topic on materials. 


Other Learning:

As well as the sessions above, please take time to access the other learning opportunities we have provided for you.


Reading Eggs:

Here you have access to a number of texts as well as some work around reading which will be set weekly by the teacher. Log on to see what they would like you to work on this week.



This is a great service which allows children to practice their Key instant Recall Facts as well as accessing further maths content linked to their recent learning, set by their teacher.



Try to keep active to keep your mind and body healthy. Here are some useful links to help you do this at home:



WB 21.09.20



In Maths this week we are learning about counting.  Please follow the link below to watch the following videos:

Count forwards

Count backwards

Count one more

There are questions built into the videos and it may need to be intermittently paused in order to give your child time to complete the questions.

To support this learning, there are  worksheets that accompany the video lessons accessed via the above link. If you have printing capabilities please feel free to use them. If not, then use them as a prompt for work on plain paper or just as a discussion tool. 


We have started Year One recapping phase 2 sounds and the key skills of segmenting and blending words. The below videos and games will support this learning. 


 In Literacy we are looking at the story Aliens Love Underpants by Claire Freedman. We are focusing on the key skills of letter formation, keep writing on the line, finger spaces, writing the correct way round (left to right) and using phonics to spell phonetically plausible words. The type of writing is labels. 



Day 3: Choose one of the aliens from the story and write some key words about the alien. For example, green spots, red pants. Challenge can you write a sentence about the alien?

Day 4: Repeat above.
Day 5: Can you design your own alien and label it?


We are learning all about  materials in our current Science Topic.  Please see this lesson from the Oak Academy which focuses on this area of learning. .

Click here to access the learning.


Other Learning:

As well as the sessions above, please take time to access the other learning opportunities we have provided for you.


Reading Eggs:

Here you have access to a number of texts as well as some work around reading which will be set weekly by the teacher. Log on to see what they would like you to work on this week.



This is a great service which allows children to practice their Key instant Recall Facts as well as accessing further maths content linked to their recent learning, set by their teacher.



Try to keep active to keep your mind and body healthy. Here are some useful links to help you do this at home:


Please also use the Knowledge Organiser as a platform for discussion around the learning that is taking place in school with regards to your child's current topic.
