
Pudsey Primrose Hill Primary School

WC 5-10-20

WC 5-10-20



Please aim to do one activity a day.

P - 

Review of the sounds learnt so far: 

You can also use reading eggs fast phonics Peak 1 to support your child learning these new sounds.

I spy - gather together a group of objects beginning with the sounds they have learnt so far in phonics. Play I spy with your child, can they find an object that starts with the sound you have given them? 



Please click on the attachment below for activities linked to sorting.

Other maths activities you could do at home are:


Other areas of learning

Please see the picture below, ask your child to talk about the picture and tell a story. There are some suggestions of questions that you can ask.

Watch the story ‘I like bees I don’t like honey’ on youtube. Here is the link: ( Then talk to your grown up about your likes and dislikes and have a go at drawing pictures of your favourite food. 


You could also practice:

  • Recognising and writing your name.

  • Getting yourself dressed and undressed in preparation for PE. 

  • Throwing and catching a ball

  • Jumping off of objects (outdoors) and landing on two feet.
