
Pudsey Primrose Hill Primary School


Sports Acheivements - Well done to three of the boys from Y3W who competed in a Kick Ball Rounders tournament with other children in Year 3 and Year 4 against other schools. Primrose Hill won the tournament and I was very impressed with their behaviour and efforts!

Focus Week - Express Yourself! Creatively looking at song lyrics in writing. Then in the afternoon we had a DJ workshop designing our own vinyl records, DJ posters and having a go on Mr Fearnley's decks!

Focus Week - Express Yourself! A Boom Wacker workshop and performance poetry!

Denim for Dementia - We took part in leaving all of our positive messages on the huge denim jeans in school as part of Denim for Dementia day.

Our day at Meanwood Valley Urban Farm - The children had a wonderful time learning all about the history of rocks, experimenting and testing rocks, making soil and meeting a few creatures big and small!

Music - We have loved singing our song for this half term 'Bringing us together'. We were enjoying singing so much we thought we would challenge ourselves by adding glockenspiels to our performance.

Science - We visited Mrs Vickers at the school allotment. We held the worms in the wormery and learnt all about their body parts and how wriggly they really are before helping her feed the worms in the wormery.

Writing - Now Press Play Stone Age Experience - Today we completed the Now Press Play Stone Age experience and this is forming the basis for our narrative retell in writing this week. We loved the experience!

Geography - Where in the world? We enjoyed locating and exploring this European country using an atlas, can you guess what it was?

History - Stone Age - Today we plotted out our school timeline on the field, this is full of the history learning that the children have completed in school already. This was to show how long ago the Stone Age was compared to more modern historical events of the 20th and 21st century.

PE - Athletics - We were looking at successful ways of moving around the space and throwing accurately.

Science - Rocks and Soils - We have started our new topic in science and were testing a variety of rocks to explore their properties, we then tested them as a class to see if they would float or sink!
