PSHE - Economic Wellbeing
PE - Conditioning
Music - Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
RE - Should we forgive others?
French - Olympics
During this unit of work, children will develop knowledge and understanding of Anglo Saxons and Vikings.
In Summer Term, we are continuing with the Science topic Earth and Space. The Knowledge organiser below sets out the key information that the children will be learning. We are then going to begin our exciting practical Forces topic.
Knowledge Organisers should be used to support your child throughout the topic being covered. They provide dates, key vocabulary, key facts and important information that will be covered. Children will use these both in school and at home to supplement their learning, allowing us to work collaboratively together.
Knowledge Organisers are designed to help with our current home learning packs, they provide additional support and direction for families whilst learning at home. They can be used as a point of reference for year group knowledge and expectations within the given topic area.