
Pudsey Primrose Hill Primary School


Entrepreneur focus week - 17.10.22

This week, Y4A have spent the week planning, making and reviewing a pair of sustainable trousers. We were assigned recycled fabrics as our material. Below are some pictures from the week. 

Oracy - Discussion role - 7.10.22

During History this week, Y4A have been understanding what things the Romans brought to Britain and discussing which things and why they were important to Britain today. To allow us to discuss in further detail, we used one of our talk roles to move discussions forward. Mr Ansbro attached the discussion role to a microphone and challenged the children to use it to move their discussions forward.

Science - Soundproofing - 7.10.22

This week in Science, Y4A have been investigating soundproofing and understanding how sound is absorbed. We looked at different materials and how they effect the volume of a speaker.


P.E. - Gymnastics - 7.10.22

This week in P.E., we have been working on improving our balance routines from previous weeks but also using one piece of equipment to change levels. 

Science - Sound - 26.9.22

Today, we investigated how higher and lower pitch sounds are created and why. To do this, we made pan pipes of different pitches to help us understand how and why different pitches happen. 

Writing - Harry Potter role play - WC 19.9.22

This week, year 4 have been taking the role of Harry Potter and completing some freeze frames to show emotions on different characters. 

Computing - The internet - WC 12.9.22

In computing this week, we have been investigating how a network of computers work within a given place. To explore this, we were able to visit the schools network server area to gain a deeper understanding of how they work and what they look like. 

P.E. - Fundamental skills - WC 12.9.22

In P.E. this week, we have been looking at 5 different balances and how we can control them in a sequence with a team. 
