Below are a number of websites and links that we use in school to help children with their learning.
Most of the sites listed require a login which your child should have. If you need reminding of any of their log ins then please contact us.
This is a great website on which the children can access a number of games. The teacher will set activities weekly as part of the children's homework and will get feedback about how your child is getting.on. Your child will have a log in for this but if you need reminding of it, please contact your child's class teacher.
This website is where children can access their reading homework. Children will have weekly challenges set by their teacher in the Reading Eggspress section of the website. Check this weekly for the latest homework tasks.
Once children are confident with their number bonds, we introduce Times Table Rockstars. This is a website designed to help children master their multiplication tables in a fun game based way. Log in to the Garage section and see how much you can improve!