Focus Week
Wow! What an experience that was. This was such an interesting and inspirational session with Phil from Hello HipHop. The day began with an assembly where Phil introduced the 4 elements of Hip Hop and explained that it was a culture rather than a style of dance/music. The children were also fortunate to hear and see him demonstrate each of the elements.
After the assembly, the children worked in their class group with Phil where he further explained the 'breaker' element.
This morning the children have worked with Mrs O'Sullivan on debating. This is part of a project we are doing which will result in a debating competition as part of our Owlcotes Element - A way with words.
During the session, the children learnt what debating is, skills which are important in debating and then completed some speaking and listening tasks including vote with your feet and conscience alley. hen ever the children were asked to share a response they were asked to use full sentences.
Science - Shadow Puppets
As part of the learning about light, children investigated how a shadow if formed and how the size of the shadow changes depending on its distance from the light source. As part of this learning the children made puppets and created a short scene using them.
Narrative Writing - Alma
In Literacy, the children have been looking at the video Alma (click on the word Alma if you would like to watch the video). The have watched, discussed and then written the narrative for the video. The children were able to choose whether they wrote in first or third person. Click on the PDF below to see some fantastic examples.
Art - Keith Haring (Artist Study)
We have learnt about the artist, what inspired him and looked at his style of art work.
The children were then keen to create their own drawings in this style. Some of the children drew characters in isolation and others created scenes which represent a theme or tell a short story.
DT (Food Technology)
Last week, we went to ASDA as part of our learning about foods which are in season. Once we had established which foods were in season by looking for fruit and vegetables with a British origin, we then planned what we could make. The children had a few ideas, so rather than choosing just one aspect to make, we chose three.
The children made coleslaw and potato salad on a bed of mixed salad leaves and strawberry crumble.
Artist of the Month - Stephen Wiltshire
We have spent some time this week looking at at Stephen Wiltshire as part of Artist of the Month. The children were fascinated at his ability to capture the images mentally and using brief jottings and then create his impressive panoramic cityscapes. These photos show our first attempt at creating a cityscape.