Personal, Social and Emotional Development learning focus: Changes
Literacy and Understanding the World theme: We're Going on an Adventure
We dedicate time for reading by 'dropping everything and reading' during the final session of each day in school. This shared time for stories is one of the ways we support children in developing a love for stories and a thirst for knowledge and imaginative experiences through stories. These stories are in addition to those we use to enhance learning linked to the key themes identified in our long term plan. Children's interests, experiences and stories from home are often linked to our 'drop everything and read' stories; seasonal changes also influence the stories chosen. The read aloud story for this half term is:
Read Aloud stories are sent home each half term. We hope that our families enjoy this opportunity to share a story together which children can then talk about together in school.
Developing children's confidence and competence in communicating effectively with others is a key focus in reception. Supporting the development of children's vocabulary and understanding of the English language provides a good foundation for learning across the curriculum. Daily phonics lessons support children in distinguishing sounds and developing effective knowledge and skills for reading and writing. The Floppy’s Phonics programme teaches the letter/s-sound correspondences of the English alphabetic code explicitly and comprehensively for reading, spelling and handwriting. It builds up knowledge of spelling word banks over time where words are spelt with the same letter/s-sound correspondences.
As children learn to read, supporting the development of their understanding of pictures and words is essential. We place great emphasis on talking about events in stories.
We value all attempts at writing as children develop their knowledge, confidence and independence at drawing, writing letters and making words. Making meaningful marks which may consist of drawings and letters, develops into whole words written from memory and words being written based on how they sound. A balance of writing some words from memory and writing words based on how they sound enables children to write words, lists, captions, simple sentences and stories during their learning journey in reception. Drawings play an important role in the development of writing skills and the development of imaginative ideas.
This half term in literacy we are focusing on: reading captions and simple sentences and using our knowledge of phonics to help us to write lists, captions and sentences.
Maths in reception focuses on supporting the development of children's knowledge and understanding of number; we call this number sense, Supporting the development of a deep understanding of number value, order, number patterns, the relationship between number values and what it means as we count out loud and say number names are key areas of focus. Learning about non standard ways of measuring and the vocabulary and meaning of shape, size and proportion help children to make sense of shapes and patterns. Solving problems in practical ways linked to number and shape, space and measures helps children to consolidate their knowledge and explore deeper.
Through daily maths sessions, children are taught essential skills alongside the knowledge they need to become competent and confident mathematicians.
This half term we are focusing on: consolidating our knowledge of numbers 1-10 and learning all about the numbers 11-20. We will also be learning how to double, halve and share.
A significant area of learning in reception supports children's knowledge and skills linked to the world and creativity. Learning in these areas of the curriculum links with science, geography, history, technology and the arts. Resources and the organisation of areas of provision inside and learning opportunities outdoors support the development of children's knowledge, curiosity and learning behaviours. The themes identified in the long term plan, routines planned for in class and expectations for challenges and open ended learning in areas of provision all support rich learning about the world. A strong emphasis on science and the arts ensures children develop strong foundations to prepare them for learning in key stage one and beyond.
This half term we are focusing on: being able to talk and write about places that they have been and real and imagined places that they would like to go.