
Pudsey Primrose Hill Primary School

Spring 1

In Spring 1 we are learning ... 


English  - In our English this half term we will be focusing the class readers - Zog and the Flying Doctors and The Smartes Giant in town.  Our Author for this half term is Julia donaldson. We will be reading a range of her texts and discussing themes and characters throughout.


Phonics - In phonics we will continue with Floppy Phonics and will start to explore Level 5 sounds. 


Maths  - In Maths we will be exploring Place Value to 20 and Addition and Subtraction within 20. 


Wider Curriculum 


History - in History we will be learning about significant people, in particular at the history of nursing, we will be looking at Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and modern day nurses). 


Science  - In Science we will be learning about plants. 


Art  - In Art we will be developing our drawing and sketching skills. 

Florence Nightingale Knowledge Organiser

Plants Knowledge Organsier
