
Pudsey Primrose Hill Primary School


DT - we have designed, baked and decorated our very own cakes from space. We followed the instructions and measured out carefully. We then tried really hard to follow our design and recreate this using icing and sweets.

Little sing - we attended an event with Artsform and had a go at some singing, dancing and playing instruments. We became lots of different jungle animals. The children enjoyed using the batons as instruments to join in with the performers.

Observing over time - planting - we enjoyed a session with Mrs Vickers and recapped all the parts of a plant and their functions. We then planted our own spinach and cannot wait to watch them grow! We even got to hold a slug that had managed to find its way into the compost.

Vickers labs visitors! - we have a fantastic afternoon to finish off our BSW learning with vickers labs. We started our afternoon learning about what they do in the labs which are local in Pudsey! We then had a go at creating our own green snot by mixing different liquids together. We then were able to explore a variety of safe chemicals that the scientists have created to use in different films, including the chocolate river from WIlly Wonka! We loved getting stuck in and getting messy. We then finished our afternoon by some of us testing out the smoke machine.

British Science Week - In BSW we attended a fantastic webinar recapping some knolwedge from our Science topic Animals and thier habitats. We met lots of creatures and animals in the session and learnt about how they are adapted for their habitat.

Music - In music this half term we are learning about tempo and using the pulso fo a song to perform. We are learning a glockenspiel part for our performance of I wanna play in a band.

Skipping - This week we had a visit from skipping schools to begin our skipping journey. We will be practicing skipping weekly now building on our sjills and perfecting them for the skipping schools festival in the summer.

History - we finished out Great Filre of London learning this week by thinking about how London changed and learnt from the Great Fire. Children became architects and worked in teams to redesign a new London. Children were encouraged to think about specific changes they would make to buildings and layout from 1666. Children then used their oracy skills to present their learning and ideas to the class.

Mental Helath awareness week. This week we have been thinking about connecting as a way of keeping healthy. We played games by copying eachother to help us connect with eachother. We also made conscious effort throughout the week to pay compliments to eachother.
