
Pudsey Primrose Hill Primary School

Home Learning


We understand that there may be a number of reasons why it might be very difficult for any adult at home to support your child so we have provided a range of different learning within the weekly plans, including some online learning packages that your child is already familiar with as well as new resources that mirror some of the learning that will be happening in class that week


We have provided learning that mirrors the learning that is happening in class as much as possible. Please see the attached links.


If you have any queries or questions, please use the year group email address previously provided.

WB 04.01.21



Follow this link to 4 lessons that are matched to our learning this week. Please use the worksheets underneath to support your learning. You do not need to print them off but they well give you questions to attempt independently

Lesson 1

Lesson 2 

Lesson 3

Lesson 4



This week we are thinking about how we can write the middle of a story.  Have a look at these lessons from the Oak Academy that link closely to what we are learning in school.

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4



We are starting some new work on Materials this half term. Follow this link to lesson one!




The Great Fire of London is our main topic this half term. Here is a link to the first session for this half term!

Also, try to have a look over the Knowledge organiser to find out about what we will find out about this half term

WB 14.12.20



Follow this link to 5 lessons that are matched to our learning this week. Please use the worksheets underneath to support your learning. You do not need to print them off but they weill give you questions to attempt independently

Lesson 1

Lesson 2 

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5



This week we are thinking about how we can write for different purposes.  Have a look at these lessons from the Oak Academy to learn how to write in the first person.

Lesson 1 

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4 

Lesson 5

If you are well enough, attempt to do one of these lessons everyday this week.



Have a look at this lesson on whether a city can be a habitat 





Have a go at explaining their meaning and using them in a sentence correctly. 

Think about our key topic words:







How and why are some of these words tricky to spell? Can you find fun ways to remember them? Put them into a rainbow using a different colour for each word.

WB 7.12.20



Follow this link to 5 lessons that are matched to our learning this week. Please use the worksheets underneath to support your learning. You do not need to print them off but they weill give you questions to attempt independently.

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5



This week we are thinking about how we can write for different purposes.  Have a look at these lessons from the Oak Academy to learn how to write in the first person.

Lesson 1 

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4 

Lesson 5

If you are well enough, attempt to do one of these lessons everyday this week.



Have a look at this lesson on rainforest habitats.

We will be looking at a lot of the same content in class. Enjoy!



We have started rehearsing for our (digital) Christmas performance in school. have a look at these lessons on pitch to get yourself warmed up for when you're back in school!.

Lesson 1

Lesson 2 

Lesson 3 




Have a go at explaining their meaning and using them in a sentence correctly. 

Think about our key topic words:







How and why are some of these words tricky to spell? Can you find fun ways to remember them? Put them into a rainbow using a different colour for each word.

WB 30.11.20



Follow this link to 5 lessons that are matched to our learning this week. Please use the worksheets underneath to support your learning. You do not need to print them off but they weill give you questions to attempt independently.

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4 


We have looking at traditional tales, narrative and description writing in school and this block from the Oak Academy links closely to what we are doing in class. 


Please follow these links to a series of lessons on instruction writing: 

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Complete one lesson a day.


Have a look at this lesson on rainforest habitats.

We will be looking at a lot of the same content in class. Enjoy!



We have started rehearsing for our (digital) Christmas performance in school. have a look at these lessons on pitch to get yourself warmed up for when you're back in school!.

Lesson 1

Lesson 2 

Lesson 3 


In spelling this week we are looking at the homophones to, two and too.

Have a go at explaining their meaning and using them in a sentence correctly. 


Think about our key topic words:







How and why are some of these words tricky to spell? Can you find fun ways to remember them? Put them into a rainbow using a different colour for each word.

WB 23.11.20


Follow this link to 5 lessons that are matched to our learning this week. Please use the worksheets underneath to support your learning. You do not need to print them off but they weill give you questions to attempt independently.

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4 (Try and so the End of Unit Quiz to see how much you have learned about addition and subtraction.

Lesson 5


We have looking at traditional tales, narrative and description writing in school and this block from the Oak Academy links closely to what we are doing in class. 


Please follow these links to a series of lessons on instruction writing: 

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Complete one lesson a day.


Over the next few weeks we will be learning about some habitats in more detail. This week we will be thinking about desert habitats.

Follow this link to  a lesson all about the desert.



following on from last week. We will be continuing to develop our understanding of how to write algorithms in the Scratch JR app. If you are able to, download the app from the IOS or Android app store and give the following lesson a go.

WB 16.11.20



Follow this link to 5 lessons that are matched to our learning this week.  Lessons roll over from last Friday. Lesson 3 is consolidation of learning in Lesson 2. It is important to practice column method for addition and subtraction to become comfortable with the process and layout.

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5



Have a go at completing these lessons from the Oak Academy.

You will need to complete lesson 2 before having a go at the English sessions this week.

Don't worry if you cannot do the practical element in the lesson. perhaps you could have a go at drawing a Bug Hotel instead.

Lesson 1 

Lesson 2 


If you have access to an Andorid or IOS device please download the Scratch Jr app and have a go at the following session

Computing - Scratch Lesson 3

WB 09.11.20



Follow this link to 5 lessons that are matched to our learning this week. 

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5



We have been writing instructions in school and this block from the Oak Academy links very closely to what we are doing in class. 


Please follow these links to a series of lessons on instruction writing: 

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Complete one lesson a day.



We are learning about habitats in science. Please use this link to access a lesson all about what a habitat is and where we can find different habitats

What is a habitat?

WB: 02.11.20



Follow this link to 5 lessons that are matched to our learning this week. 

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Please find the worksheets attached underneath that will support the lessons.  



Please follow these links to a series of lessons on instruction writing: 

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Complete one lesson a day.


In science this half term we will be learning about habitats. The knowledge organiser above is a great platform for discussion around the topic.

Please use this link for a lesson on the characteristics of living things.



The following link will take you to a PHSE topic on ME, You and Us!

Have a go at lesson 1 this week!

WB 19.10.20



Follow this link to 5 lessons that are matched to our learning this week. 

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Please find the worksheets attached underneath that will support the lessons.  


English :

This week we will be focusing on poetry. Work sheets will be provided below.

Lesson 1: Listening, reading and reciting. Watch

Read through this poem and discuss any difficult vocab. What features are there? (rhyming, repeated phrases). Practice reciting this out loud. How can you improve? Think about pauses and projection. Add actions to accompany the performance.


Lesson 2: Similes. Watch

Think about how the poet compares each colour like something. Think of your own nouns to compare to each colour of the rainbow using the worksheet.


Lesson 3: Expanded noun phrases. Watch

Discuss what an expanded noun phrase is: adjective, adjective noun. From yesterday's planning sheet, pick your favourite noun and think of two adjectives to describe each. Use the worksheet provided to display your poem.


Lesson 4: Planning a poem. Watch

Read through the poem and identify difficult vocab. Discuss features of this poem (noun phrases, adjectives, repeated phrases). Could you add any adjectives to the poem? Think about what you would add to your own magic box, use the worksheet to write ideas down, make them into noun phrases with an adjective.


Lesson 5: Write a poem. Think about what makes each item in your box special and how you can show it is important. Is it from a special place? Does it do something exciting or come with something else? Write a verse of the poem using three items from your plan. A WAGOLL is provided for support.


This week we will be thinking about what makes a city. We will be focussing on where we live in Leeds and how lving close to a city is different from living in a rural village. This lesson from the Oak Academy will give you a very similar learning experience. 

Click here to access the learning.



We are studying plants in school this half term.

Follow this link to an Oak National Academy session on how plants change as the grow.


Other Learning:

As well as the sessions above, please take time to access the other learning opportunities we have provided for you.


Reading Eggs:

Here you have access to a number of texts as well as some work around reading which will be set weekly by the teacher. Log on to see what they would like you to work on this week.



This is a great service which allows children to practice their Key instant Recall Facts as well as accessing further maths content linked to their recent learning, set by their teacher.


Please also use the Knowledge Organiser as a platform for discussion around the learning that is taking place in school with regards to your child's current topic.

WB 12.10.20



Follow this link to 5 lessons that are matched to our learning this week. 

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3 

Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Please find the worksheets attached underneath that will support the lessons. Feel free to have a go at the end of block test also attached. 


English :

This week we will be focusing on poetry. Work sheets will be provided below.

Lesson 1: Listening, reading and reciting. Watch

Read through this poem and discuss any difficult vocab. What features are there? (rhyming, repeated phrases). Practice reciting this out loud. How can you improve? Think about pauses and projection. Add actions to accompany the performance.


Lesson 2: Similes. Watch

Think about how the poet compares each colour like something. Think of your own nouns to compare to each colour of the rainbow using the worksheet.


Lesson 3: Expanded noun phrases. Watch

Discuss what an expanded noun phrase is: adjective, adjective noun. From yesterday's planning sheet, pick your favourite noun and think of two adjectives to describe each. Use the worksheet provided to display your poem.


Lesson 4: Planning a poem. Watch

Read through the poem and identify difficult vocab. Discuss features of this poem (noun phrases, adjectives, repeated phrases). Could you add any adjectives to the poem? Think about what you would add to your own magic box, use the worksheet to write ideas down, make them into noun phrases with an adjective.


Lesson 5: Write a poem. Think about what makes each item in your box special and how you can show it is important. Is it from a special place? Does it do something exciting or come with something else? Write a verse of the poem using three items from your plan. A WAGOLL is provided for support.



This week we will be thinking about what makes a city. We will be focussing on where we live in Leeds and the things we will find on an up-comming trip but this lesson from the Oak Academy will give you a very simmilar learning experience. 

Click here to access the learning.



We are studying plants in school this half term.

Follow this link to an Oak National Academy session on how plants change as the grow.


Other Learning:

As well as the sessions above, please take time to access the other learning opportunities we have provided for you.


Reading Eggs:

Here you have access to a number of texts as well as some work around reading which will be set weekly by the teacher. Log on to see what they would like you to work on this week.



This is a great service which allows children to practice their Key instant Recall Facts as well as accessing further maths content linked to their recent learning, set by their teacher.


Please also use the Knowledge Organiser as a platform for discussion around the learning that is taking place in school with regards to your child's current topic.

WB 5.10.20



Follow this link to 5 lessons that are matched to our learning this week. 

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Please find the worksheets attached underneath that will support the lessons. Feel free to have a go at the end of block test also attached. 

English :

Please follow the links below to a weeks worth of English lessons. We will be learning about description this week in class and these lessons mirror very closely to what we will be doing at school. Aim to do one of these sessions every day.

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5

If you would like, you could have a look at the following videos which will take you to a reading of the text we are basing our work on in class.

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Perhaps you could watch these with someone at home. If you can have a discussion about what you liked in the story and what you think might happen to Elmer next!



We are learning all about Tokyo and Leeds in our current Geography Topic. However, this block from the Oak Academy will help to teach you lots of the same skills but with a focus on South America, rather than Japan.

Click here to access the learning.



We are studying plants in school this half term.

Follow this link to an Oak National Academy session on plants we can find in the wild.


Other Learning:

As well as the sessions above, please take time to access the other learning opportunities we have provided for you.


Reading Eggs:

Here you have access to a number of texts as well as some work around reading which will be set weekly by the teacher. Log on to see what they would like you to work on this week.



This is a great service which allows children to practice their Key instant Recall Facts as well as accessing further maths content linked to their recent learning, set by their teacher.


Please also use the Knowledge Organiser as a platform for discussion around the learning that is taking place in school with regards to your child's current topic.

WB 28.09.20



Follow this link to 5 lessons that are matched to our learning this week. 

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Please find the worksheets attached underneath that will support the lessons. 

English :

Please follow the links below to a weeks worth of English lessons. We will be learning about description this week in class and these lessons mirror very closely to what we will be doing at school. Aim to do one of these sessions every day.

Lesson 1 

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 4 

If you would like, you could have a look at the following videos which will take you to a reading of the text we are basing our work on in class.

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6


Perhaps you could watch these with someone at home. If you can have a discussion about what you liked in the story and what you think might happen to Elmer next!



We are learning all about Tokyo and Leeds in our current Geography Topic. However, this block from the Oak Academy will help to teach you lots of the same skills but with a focus on South America, rather than Japan.

Click here to access the learning.



We are studying plants in school this half term.

Follow this link to an Oak National Academy session on plants we can find in the wild.

Other Learning:

As well as the sessions above, please take time to access the other learning opportunities we have provided for you.


Reading Eggs:

Here you have access to a number of texts as well as some work around reading which will be set weekly by the teacher. Log on to see what they would like you to work on this week.



This is a great service which allows children to practice their Key instant Recall Facts as well as accessing further maths content linked to their recent learning, set by their teacher.


Please also use the Knowledge Organiser as a platform for discussion around the learning that is taking place in school with regards to your child's current topic.

WB 21.09.20



Follow this link to 5 lessons that are matched to our learning this week. WRMH

Please find the worksheets attached underneath that will support the lessons. 


English :

Please follow the links below to a weeks worth of English lessons. We will be learning about description this week in class and these lessons mirror very closely to what we will be doing at school. Aim to do one of these sessions every day.

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5 


If you would like, you could have a look at the following videos which will take you to a reading of the text we are basing our work on in class.

My Father's Dragon Chapter 1

My Father's Dragon Chapter 2

My Father's Dragon Chapter 3


Perhaps you could watch these with someone at home. If you can have a discussion about what you liked in the story and what you think might happen to Elmer next!



We are learning all about Tokyo and Leeds in our current Geography Topic. However, this block from the Oak Academy will help to teach you lots of the same skills but with a focus on South America, rather than Japan.

Click here to access the learning.


Other Learning:

As well as the sessions above, please take time to access the other learning opportunities we have provided for you.


Reading Eggs:

Here you have access to a number of texts as well as some work around reading which will be set weekly by the teacher. Log on to see what they would like you to work on this week.



This is a great service which allows children to practice their Key instant Recall Facts as well as accessing further maths content linked to their recent learning, set by their teacher.


Please also use the Knowledge Organiser as a platform for discussion around the learning that is taking place in school with regards to your child's current topic.


Have a look at this knowledge organiser about plants.

See what you can remember about plants from Year 1. Once you have has a look, perhaps got for a walk around your house or garden to see if you can see any plants. Draw a quick sketch of any you find and see what they have any simmilarities or differences. Is there anything that they all gave in common?

WB 14.9.20



Please visit the link below. Here you will find 5 maths lesson videos. Aim to do one a day. There are questions built into the videos and it may need to be intermittently paused in order to give Archie time to complete the questions.


In addition to this, please see below for  the worksheets that accompany the video lessons accessed via the above link. If you have printing capabilities, please feel free to use them. If not, then use them as a prompt for work on plain paper or just as a discussion tool.



Please ensure the  Learning Challenge on the sheets you use, matches the Learning Challenge in the videos you are watching.



Please follow the following link to the Oak National Academy. It is a link to a block of work that links very closely to the work we are currently doing in class. It focusses on a story called Anansi and Tiger and looks at how to develop children's ability to write effective stories. This is a longer block of work. Please do 1 lesson a day where possible.



We are doing something very similar to this in school except we are focusing on The Enormous Crocodile by Roald Dahl. If you want to, you could read this story too or watch it here (


Please don't hesitate to get in contact if you have any questions and I will try to email you next week to see how you are getting on.
