MFL French at Primrose Hill
Curriculum Intent
The ability to speak another language is a valuable skill. At Pudsey Primrose Hill Primary School our aim is to create a keen interest in Modern Foreign Languages, French, as a whole, with a view of developing this further in the future. Although not compulsory In EYFS or KS1, we know that the ability to speak an additional language is increasingly important in today’s global society, opening up a whole new world of opportunities and possibilities. Therefore language learning is something that we offer to all our children right the way from Foundation Stage to Key Stage 2. In EYFS, the children learn about people and communities as part of the Understanding the World area of learning. In KS1 the children will begin to build their French vocabulary, learning a range of new key words and phrases linked to topics, ensuring that learning is engaging and fun. We strive to deliver the foundations for relevant and engaging conversational French. Studies have proved that regularity and relevance are key to success in learning a foreign language and our programme of study reflects that. Focus is no longer on telling people what you did in the holidays or that you visited the park. At Primrose Hill, our learning reflects an updated, progressive approach, giving children the skills required to converse in a wide variety of situations. Our aim is to help pupils maximise their ability to communicate effectively with people from other countries and to understand their cultures, attitudes and customs.
The substantive knowledge strands within French are;
Children have weekly lessons in French throughout Key Stage 2, using the resources and units of work from Language Angels, in addition to other resources. In Lower KS2, children acquire basic skills and understanding of French with a strong emphasis placed on developing their Speaking and Listening skills. These will be embedded and further developed in Upper KS2, alongside Reading and Writing, gradually progressing onto more complex language concepts. Through providing this, we hope to give them the appropriate communication tools, as well as preparing them for the high-school curriculum. It is intended that when children leave Primrose Hill Primary, they will have a natural curiosity and confidence to explore other countries, cultures and languages, accepting that, in a multilingual society it is a valuable skill to be able to communicate effectively with others in another language.
Elements of Effective Teaching and Learning of MFL at Primrose Hill
At Pudsey Primrose Hill French is taught using the Language Angels Scheme. This includes;
The relationship between sound and spelling is a key component of the KS2 Framework for Languages. Confidence in reading and speaking aloud in another language comes from having the ability to decode the sounds that are written in each word.
Phonics in French begins in year 3, the children should complete the appropriate phonetics session as outlined on the long term plan. These are then revisited regularly, throughout the units of work, across the year. As the children move further up the key stage they should have a good understanding of the correct pronunciation, revisiting these regularly. The language angels scheme supports this with a regular revisit for each year group that is progressive.
All French lessons follow a continued approach lasting 12 weeks with clear units of work ranging from Core Vocabulary, Phonics and Grammar, Early Language, Intermediate Language, Progressive and Creative Language, allowing for progression. At the end of each unit, all children in KS2 are assessed across the four main skills of Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing. Each unit includes a core phonetics lesson which is revisited throughout the unit. Key vocabulary mats should be stuck in the children's books at the start of each unit- these are useful for the children to refer to within lessons. Teachers should ensure that written and oral corrections are made and not ignored, these can be supported by recasting- correcting what the pupil has said/ written or promoting the pupil to correct their own learning.
The scheme we have chosen offers;
The scheme includes rhymes and songs as part of each unit of work. These are fundamental in supporting the development and learning of a new language.
Some units of work are linked to a familiar story (usually a picture book) that the children have read at a younger age. They begin by learning the new vocabulary then applying this to the story they are focusing on.
French is taught weekly in KS2, and is timetabled in KS1.
Owlcotes Elements - A Way with Words
During their time at Primrose Hill we want our children to learn and become passionate about French. We feel it is important for children to understand another language and learn to speak confidently in French. Planned units linked to children's life experiences allow children to talk about themselves and others in another language. A Way with Words is woven through our French curriculum, developing children's listening, speaking, reading and writing skills through learning another language. This includes celebrating International Day of Languages and being able to showcase their learning to others in school.