
Pudsey Primrose Hill Primary School


Some great classification of animals work here by another member of Y4R and beautifully presented as well. Keep it up!

Another amazing piece of work from a member of Y4R! Please enjoy this research on the Amazon Rainforest! Keep it up everyone!

Take a look at this fantastic art work made by a member of Y4R!! I've already said I want to buy some of it as soon as possible! Fantastic!

Another member of Y4R keeping active at home. Baking, Joe Wicks and Maths taking place here! Amazing stuff!

Not only is this member of Y4R doing some fantastic learning, she is also doing some new learning by learning Spanish! Have a look at some of the great things she's been doing! Bien hecho!

Some more fantastic work from a Y4R superstar! Keep it up!

Not only has this member of Y4R produced some amazing art at home, but he has also writing a fantastic story called Dave the Pigeon (Hunger takes the best of you).

What a fantastic Superhero and an amazing piece of writing!

Please enjoy this fantastic Powerpoint all about sloths, made by a creative member of Y4R who loves them more than anything!

Amazing learning From a member of Y4R at home! Keep it up.
