What we are learning
This half term, our class reader is Wonder by the author R J Palacio.
Most of our writing will be linked to our class reader, Wonder. We will be writing narratives, persuasive letters and information texts. We will continue to focus on the cumulative re-read process to ensure children can edit their writing effectively, using a range of punctuation, sentence types and precise vocabulary. We will also revise and recap Y6 spelling, grammar and punctuation objectives
This half term, Year 6 maths lessons will focus on word problems involving all four operations and will consolidate previous learning. They will also complete a unit of work on geometry and will focus on the properties of shape in detail. Children will be problem solving and reasoning throughout their learning to deepen their understanding. Children will continue to practise their times tables and arithmetic skills on a daily basis.
During science lessons, children will develop their scientific enquiry skills through a series of short 'science blast' lessons.
This half term, children will continue their geography learning around the topic of rivers. They will undertake fieldwork, exploring the physical geography of a local area. They will recognise and describe how a river is formed. They will name and locate countries and cities of the United Kingdom and identify their human and physical characteristics. They will use the 8 points of a compass, 4 and 6 figure grid references and symbols of the Ordnance Survey Map.