
Pudsey Primrose Hill Primary School


We are really trying hard with our computer skills. This half term we have been creating our own fact files all about Florence Nightingale. We have looked at the different keys on the keyboard, learnt how to make our title look fancy, used word mats to write facts all about here and even managed to add an image!

We had a lovely focus week to end our half term. We took part in a literacy festival. We looked at the books 'story path' and 'you choose' and carried out a variety of activities based around these. We wrote our own ending to the story, we created collage scenes based on the setting, we drew and wrote about our own dreams and finally we had a zoom meeting with Pippa (author of you choose book). Ending the week by exploring the learning of all the other classes in the hall.

In science we have been looking at the human body. We have also thought about which body part is linked to each of our senses. We explored our sense of taste today! We tried some salty, bitter, sweet and sour items. As you can tell we did not like them all!
