Nursery places are allocated from the nursery waiting list. Please refer to the nursery admissions policy for detailed information about how nursery places are offered; there is a priority ranking for places.
Nursery places are offered via email using the contact details provided for children when their details are placed on the nursery waiting list.
When confirmation of a nursery place is offered, parents/carers are asked to confirm their first choice attendance pattern. The allocation of a nursery place is a process which involves direct email communication between parents/carers and the leader for Early Years - Sarah Alderson. Changes to attendance patterns can be requested and are based on availability and the criteria detailed in the nursery admissions policy.
Please be aware that the acceptance of a nursery place has no bearing on the allocation of a school place by the local authority.
Nursery Admissions Policy - please contact Mrs Alderson for further information. The admissions policy is being updated to reflect the introduction of nursery childcare before and after nursery education sessions from September 2024.
Transition into Nursery
We offer 'Stay and Play' sessions for children and one parent/carer before your child's nursery start date. These take place in nursery alongside other children already attending nursery.
We recommend accessing two, one hour play sessions and always work with families to build up to booked attendance patterns, at a pace that is right for each child.
Mrs Alderson will work with you to create a plan which is right for you and your child. Often this involves two stay and play sessions (more can be booked if required) and then a smooth progression into booked attendance patterns. We phone to provide feedback on the first day of nursery and can be contacted if you want an update on how your child is settling in during their first few days.
We treat all children as individuals and work closely with families to ensure transition into nursery is as smooth a process as possible. Our online journal Tapestry provides 'fly on the wall' opportunities to find out about what your child has been exploring in nursery and staff are always happy to talk about your child's learning adventures. We welcome parent/carers into nursery at the start of sessions. 'Together we can make a difference.'
If you would like more information about transition into nursery, or have any specific questions, please email Sarah Alderson: or telephone the school office on 0113 257 4129.