
Pudsey Primrose Hill Primary School

Year 6 S 19/20

Welcome to Year 6 S


Teacher: Mrs S Smith (

Support staff: Mrs J Johnson


Welcome to our class page where you will find all sorts of useful information.  You will find examples of children's learning, our topics, information regarding our class and key dates.



Information from Previous Website

Spring 1

Class Reader:   The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas
History  : World War 2
Science: Evolution and Inheritance
Home Reader :  Carrie's War  by Nina Bawden

Focus Week : week beginning  Monday 10 February   Literature Festival
Parent focus week workshop :  Thursday 13 February after school
Denim for Dementia Day :  Friday 24th January 

Takeover Week
During the week beginning 20th January many of our Year 6 children will get the opportunity to 'takeover'  jobs in and around school.  They have completed application forms and they have been selected to complete particular jobs ranging from :hosting a whole school assembly, organising storytime in Reception, delivering Science in Year 3, gardening, supporting admin staff in the office and helping to deliver PE lessons with the younger children. They will be expetected to plan each session carefully and dress appropriately for their job.   The excitement is building....

In the Spring Term Year 6 will take part in an exciting debating competition against other local schools.  They will be  involved in some debating training and they will prepare and write arguments and counter arguments on a number of different topics.  More details to follow....

WELCOME TO Y6S   Mrs Smith
School telephone number- 0113 2574129

Welcome to our class page.
This year we will be sharing examples of learning we are proud of through pictures, work samples, voice recordings and even videos.

Training days
The training days for the next academic year are listed below 2019-2020
Monday 2nd September 2019
Friday 20th December 2019
Monday 6th January 2020
Friday 22nd May 2020
Monday 20th July 2020

Important dates for Year 6
Monday 7 October 2019  Robinwood Residential
Thursday 17th October 2019   Shakespeare School's Festival Performance at the  Alhambra Theatre
Rehearsals for this performance will begin Thursday 5 th September 3.15pm-4.15pm
Monday 11 th May -  Thursday 14th May     Y6  SATS Tests

This year we are expecting all our Year 6  pupils to gain a Mathetics certificate (1000 points)  weekly .
It is also expected that they will access Reading Plus online at home in 15/20 min sessions to further boost their reading comprehension skills.  This will be discussed further in our Year 6 Information Evenings.

Autumn 1
Class Reader:  Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
Geography : Raging RIvers
Science: Living Things and their habitats- classification .

Spelling List - Common Exception Words
