
Pudsey Primrose Hill Primary School

Home Learning Week Beginning 11-1-21

Learning through play and first hand experiences both real and pretend, helps children to deepen their knowledge and understanding across the curriculum.

Please refer to the overview regarding play and general ideas for create and play, making meaningful marks and sharing stories, on the previous page.  Specific challenges for this week are provided below. 

Please share learning adventures, keep in touch and ask questions through your child's online journal on Tapestry.  You can contact Mrs Alderson and Mrs Ashcroft at 

Rhyme Time

We sing a nursery rhyme every day in nursery, repeating the same rhyme every day.

This week our rhyme is: Polly put the kettle on.

Drop Everything and Read

Learning about the world through stories and developing a love of books is promoted through our daily shared reading sessions.

We hope children enjoy watching and listening to our daily stories.  Children can of course watch the videos again and again and use the stories to inspire play and creative tasks.



Making Meaningful Marks

Learning ideas:

Take a stick for a walk, making marks as you go. 

Draw shapes in the frost with a stick. 

Draw a picture of yourself in the frost. 

Paint a picture using a brush, or a stick, or your fingers!

Print with paint and sticks. 

Additional challenge for school group children: 

Write letter like shapes/letters from your name/copy your name. (This will depend on your child's stage of development. Do not worry if your child is not yet doing this.)

Parent/Carer:  Encourage conversation during the process of making meaningful marks and when your child has finished mark making.  Model making meaningful marks too to support understanding of drawings and early writing.

                                        Making sense of number.

Play games which encourage counting and count objects during play, eg. when selecting bricks for building, count them. 

Number names and numerals are just words and marks.  Helping children by exploring quantities through play, supports secure understanding of number values.

Click the links below to join in with recommended learning challenges:


Being creative with shapes

Exploring everyday shapes around the home, matching shapes which are the same, a different size but the same shape and different shapes, supports children's mathematical knowledge and understanding.

Here is a shape challenge with Mrs Alderson and Stickman. Click the link below:

                                      Physically Active Learning

Go on a stick hunt.  How many can you collect?  Can you make a stickman character with the sticks?

Can you move about like a stickman?  

Challenges which involve 'fiddly fingers' (moving small objects carefully) help to support children's fine motor control. This helps the development of early writing skills.
