On Monday morning reception received a special delivery; a mystery box from an unknown sender. After looking through the items in the box we decided that a builder had left them for us. We came back to class and reported our news. On Tuesday morning a builder barged into reception and requested Miss Fitzpatrick shut down the playdough area! We were very upset about this and spent time in our news reporting area sharing our news. On Wednesday when we arrived in class, the teepee had been shut down and the water wall in the outdoor classroom. As a class we discussed why the builder had shut down even more areas. On Thursday a digger, yes a digger, arrived on our school playground. We decided enough was enough and after visiting the digger we came back to class and drew 'Save the ....' posters. On Friday we received an email from the builder saying that our super learning this week meant that we had saved the playdough, teepee and water wall. Big cheers all around!