
Pudsey Primrose Hill Primary School

Spring 2

What We Are Learning


Maths: Fractions and decimals

Literacy: Character description, Setting Description, Newspaper reports and Poems

Class Readers: The Lion, the witch and the wardrobe

Geography: North America

Science: Electricity

PSHE: Playing safe

Writing - Hot seating and conscience alley

In writing this week Year 4 are focussing on diary writing from the point of view of the character Edmund from the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. Today, we had the opportunity to take on the role and hot seat as the character. We then completed a conscience alley to argue for and against Edmund taking his siblings to the white witch. 

Learning Log Homework - WB 28.2.22

During half term, year 4 were asked to think of a human or physical geographical feature of North America and then create a model of this ready to show and tell when we returned. These will be showcased throughout the week and picture will be added as the week goes on. 


Nicholas Dixon inspired art - Monday 28th February 2022
