
Pudsey Primrose Hill Primary School


In computing we have been learning about how to take an effective photograph. We have learnt new vocabulary such as landscape, portrait, focus, framing and subject. We experimented with taking photos in landscape and portrait before reviewing and evaluating our work. We could all talk about how we can improve our photographs.

In Science we have been learning about food chains. Children learnyt about how foodchains work so thaty organisms thrive within their habbitat.

English. In English we are building up to an extended piece of writing about Red Riding Hood. Today we learnt about using our senses to transport the reader with our writing. We went out into wooded area and explored the woods as if we were Red Riding Hood thinking carefully about our senses. We wrote a wealth of vocabulary down as we were experiencing this. This will help us write some detailed descriptive sentences this week.

RE. In RE this week we were thinking about how we welcome someone. We though back to whwn we welcomed two new children into our class and wrote down all the ideas we had. We spoke to those children about what made them feel qwelcome. We then role played making someone feel welcome.

Our Class Assembly. This week we did our class assembly. All children spoke clearly and confidently sharing their knowledge from our Geography topic about Leeds and Tokyo.
