
Pudsey Primrose Hill Primary School

Gallery of Learning

Literacy Focus Week displayed work for the creative corridor.

Storytelling – the children enjoyed sharing their fables with children in Year 2.

Art - sketching a grasshopper and an ant

Oracy - Storytelling session with local storyteller

Science - We have started our learning about electricity by investigating the impact adding more volts has to a circuit.

Year 6 Enrichment - In Enrichment, we used saws and hammers to produce our bird houses which we are very proud of.

Science – In Science, the children collaborated to make a classification diagram about buttercups. This was revisiting learning from Year 5 and the children showed great resilience in this Science Blast lesson.

PSHE – Across School, we had a competition to design a poster raising awareness of Anti-Bullying (Reach Out). The children have made some excellent attempts at these and have shared their understanding of people they can 'reach out' to and different ways they can 'reach out’.
