
Pudsey Primrose Hill Primary School

Summer 1

Our learning this half term

Writing: description linked to our class reader, information texts linked to Life Processes and Living Things

Reading: retrieval, inference and comprehension linked to narrative and non narrative texts

Maths: decimals (tenths and hundredths), money and time

Science: Living things and their Habitats 

History: The Victorians 

Computing: Coding

PE: Swimming, Conditioning 

RE: What faiths are shared in the UK?

Music: weekly singing lessons, rhythm and pulse focus 

French: Classroom environment focus

PSHE: Economic wellbeing 

DT: Victorian Tapestry 





The links below will take you to all sorts of information about The Victorians so you can do some research at home!

We completed amazing landscape sketches of Stephen Wiltshire's New York City skyline.

In PSHE we have been thinking about economic well being and some of the ways people might lose money. We role played different situations and thought about how people might feel if they lose money.

In History we looked various sources , including a diary petition from Mill workers in Victorian Leeds, images of Mill workers and information texts about Mill life and a video documentary to come up with positives and negatives for the inroduction to machines during the industrial revolution.
