
Pudsey Primrose Hill Primary School

Recorder Enrichment

Enrichment lessons at Primrose Hill


Children in Key Stage Two take part in an afternoon of Enrichment lessons every week.

Enrichment lessons have been designed to enrich our curriculum teaching by providing opportunities for children to learn certain elements of some subjects in smaller groups.

Enrichment units run on a 5 or 6 weekly programme which ensures that by the end of their school year every child in every year group (from year 3-6) has taken part in every Enrichment unit.


Enrichment lessons, where possible, are planned and delivered by staff in school who have specific skills or expertise in that particular subject, for example, music enrichment lessons are planned and delivered by the music leaders. 


In Year 5 recorder Enrichment, the children learn six notes and a range of songs, resulting in a performance in assembly.

When the recorder Enrichment lessons finish, children take their recorder home so they can continue to practise and play this instrument.
